Quiz 5: Preterm Labour and Preterm Rupture of the Membranes Flashcards
What is the definition of preterm labour?
Labour starting 1 hour or more after rupture of the membranes
Labour starting before 40 weeks of gestation
Labour starting before 37 weeks of gestation
Labour starting when the fetus is assessed as weighing less than 2000 g, when the gestational age is unknown
Labour starting before 37 weeks of gestation
Preterm rupture of the membranes is defined as:
Membranes that have ruptured at term, and not been followed by the onset of labour within 24 hours
Membranes that rupture before the second stage of labour
Membranes that have ruptured before 37 weeks of gestation, in the absence of contractions
Membranes that have ruptured before the onset of labour at any gestational age
Membranes that have ruptured before 37 weeks of gestation, in the absence of contractions
Preterm labour is important because it commonly results in death of the infant due to:
Abruptio placentae
Birth trauma
Hyaline membrane disease
Birth trauma
Chorioamnionitis is usually caused by:
Bacteria which cross the placenta from the maternal circulation to the fetus
Bacteria which spread from the cervix and vagina
Viral infection of the genitalia
Candida vaginitis
Candida vaginitis
Choose the correct statement regarding chorioamnionitis:
It causes all cases of preterm labour
It always follows preterm rupture of the membranes
It may cause and complicate preterm rupture of the membranes
It only occurs in patients with vaginitis
It may cause and complicate preterm rupture of the membranes
Chorioamnionitis usually results in:
No signs or symptoms in the mother or fetus
Maternal pyrexia and tachycardia
An offensive vaginal discharge
Abdominal tenderness
No signs or symptoms in the mother or fetus
Clinical chorioamnionitis may present with:
Headache and backache
Vaginal bleeding
Fetal tachycardia
Dysuria and frequency
Fetal tachycardia
Antibiotics should be given to:
All patients with preterm rupture of the membranes
All infants with preterm labour
Patients with clinical signs of chorioamnionitis
Patients with ruptured membranes, where the pregnancy is allowed to continue
Patients with clinical signs of chorioamnionitis
Which of the following commonly causes preterm labour?
Multiple pregnancy
Excessive weight gain during pregnancy
A breech presentation
No sexual intercourse in the second half of pregnancy
Multiple pregnancy
Which patients are at the highest risk of preterm labour?
Patients who book early in pregnancy
Patients with a history of preterm labour in a previous pregnancy
Patients living in low socio-economic circumstances
Patients with a history of preterm labour in a previous pregnancy
Women at increased risk of preterm labour should:
Increase their normal amount of exercise
Not take baths
Not be examined vaginally at the antenatal clinics
Avoid coitus during the second half of their pregnancies
Avoid coitus during the second half of their pregnancies
Braxton Hicks contractions:
Are sometimes uncomfortable but are not painful
Are regular
Are associated with cervical dilatation
Increase in duration and frequency
Are sometimes uncomfortable but are not painful
Patients with preterm rupture of the membranes should have:
A digital vaginal examination to assess the state of the cervix
A sterile speculum examination only
No vaginal examination at all
Only a rectal examination
A sterile speculum examination only
The pH of amniotic fluid is:
If a patient presents with preterm labour, the first step in the management is to:
Do a vaginal examination to evaluate cervical dilatation and effacement.
Do an abdominal examination to evaluate the frequency and duration of uterine contractions.
Do a sterile speculum examination to see whether liquor is draining from the cervix.
Estimate the gestational age as accurately as possible and rule out fetal distress.
Estimate the gestational age as accurately as possible and rule out fetal distress.
Nifedipine (Adalat) should not be used in a patient with:
Preterm rupture of the membranes
Multiple pregnancy
The initial dose of salbutamol (Ventolin) to suppress preterm labour, is:
50 µg
100 µg
250 µg
500 µg
250 µg
Indomethacin (Indocid) may be more dangerous to the fetus if given at or beyond:
28 weeks
32 weeks
34 weeks
36 weeks
32 weeks
A patient with preterm rupture of the membranes, who is allowed to continue with her pregnancy, must:
Have an examination at least twice daily for signs of clinical chorioamnionitis
Be admitted to hospital for complete bed rest
Be seen at the antenatal clinic at least weekly, as she has a high-risk pregnancy
Have daily white cell counts
Have an examination at least twice daily for signs of clinical chorioamnionitis
It is recommended that pregnancy be allowed to continue in the presence of preterm rupture of the membranes (unless there are contraindications) until the duration of pregnancy reaches:
40 weeks
37 weeks
34 weeks
32 weeks
34 weeks