quiz 5 Flashcards
what are the three L’s of Salvation?
-traffic light
-the Lamb (divine exchange)
-the lifeline (he is our only hope)
what does gethsemane mean?
place of olive press
how do we grab hold of Jesus?
let him in
what are the ABC’s of prayer?
-ADMIT that you are a sinner
-BELIEVE that Jesus died on the cross to save me
-CONFESS since & CHOOSE to grab hold of lifeline
what is divine exchange
difference between wage & gift
wage- we work for it
gift- it is given freely
Jesus not only offers ______, he offers _________. He not only forgives our sine, he _______ our sins.
pardon; power; rids
what is the new beginning called?
why did Jesus get baptized?
to be our example
what is the importance of baptism?
- Jesus’ example
- Jesus’ commandment
- Salvation of baptism
what is the meaning of baptism?
- represents death to our old ways
- wedding (God compares relationship w us to a bride & groom)
-symbolizes a ‘crossing over’ from old life of bondage to new life of grace (egypt to canaan)
what does metanoia mean?
changed mind
where did Jesus’ baptism occur?
in Bethabara “the house (or place) of crossing”
baptism parallel’s christ’s passion
- as jesus died on good friday, you died to self
-as jesus was buried in the tomb, you past is buried and guilt is gone
-as jesus rose on the ressurection morning, you rise out of water to a new way of life
what is the only type of baptism that can fulfull this symbol?
what does baptizo mean?
dip, immerse, plunge
how does baptism relate to a wedding?
a symbol of one’s commitment, loyalty, & allegiance to Jesus. It doesn’t mean you’re perfect, it means you’re committed
what are the benefits of baptism?
-anointing of the Holy Spirit
-adoption into the Body of Christ
what does remission mean?
what will empower us for ministry today in whatever career field we go into?
what are the steps/qualifications of baptism?
repent, believe, understand