quiz 3 Flashcards
natural selection
belief that organisms which best adapt to their environment have the best chance of survival & reproduction & thus become dominant - the “survival of the fittest”
the belief that all life began as a single-cell organism and morphed into the millions of species of plants & animals that we have today over a process of 4.45 billion years
happens on a smaller scale
happens on a larger scale
challenges of evolution
- no intermediate body styles ‘missing link’
- issue of irreducible complexity
- red blood cells in dinosaur bones
- complexity of a simple cell
challenges of creationism
- geologic column
- radiometric dating (he could have made the earth appear old in age)
what happened in 1844?
birth of two movements
-adventism (3 angels message)
-darwinism (evolution/natural selection)
—-orgin of species book
christianity comprises how much of global relegion?
how many christian are pentecostal or charismatic?
1 in 4
what do adventists & pentecostals share?
common history methodism
stress on santification
importance of the holy spirit
focus on mission
what is azusa
when thousands began speaking in tongues … william seymour
what is the proof that will unite churches together?
speaking in tongues
what is the relationship of the holy spirit to Jesus?
conveys christ’s words. not his own
talks about jesus, never himself
glorifies jesus, not himself
what is the role of the holy spirit?
fulfills the role as the executor
what is the mission of the holy spirit to the world
illuminate every person & testify of jesus
convict the world of sin, righteousness, & judgement