Quiz 4.1a Epidemiology and Types of Scales Flashcards
How are interval scales different from ratio scales?
-Interval scales do not have a “true zero”
Median can be used to measure the central tendency for this/these scale/s
- Ratio
- Interval
- Ordinal
This/these are numeric scales in which we know the order and the exact differences between values.
- Interval
- Ratio
This/these value/s can be added and subtracted, but not multiplied nor divided.
- interval
What is the basic science of public health?
Mean can be used to measure the central tendency for this/these scale/s
- Interval
- Ratio
How do ordinal values differ from nominal values?
-Order of ordinal values indicate a degree of significance than another value
This measure of central tendency refers to the average of a set of value:
This measure of central tendency refers to the most frequently appearing value
What do we mean by a “true zero”?
-Absence of the parameter being measured
This/these value/s can be added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided
The order of this/these value/s is known and significant
- Interval
- Ordinal
- Ratio
What are dichotomous variables?
-Normal scales with only two categories
This/these scale/s do/does not have any quantitative nor qualitative values
Counts are used to determine the frequency of distribution for this/these scale/s
- Interval
- Nominal
- Ordinal
- Ratio
Median can be used to measure the central tendency for this/these scale/s
- Ordinal
- Interval
- Ratio
Mode can be used to measure the central tendency for this/these scale/s
- Nominal
- Interval
- Ordinal
- Ratio
This is the middle number in a sorted list of numbers.
This/these scales is/are mutually exclusive, meaning one value does not overlap with another
- Nominal
- Ordinal