Quiz 4 9/20/24 | Flashcards
God isn’t afraid to be linked to ________ People
God can bring ______ from evil
God is ___________
Christos and Moshiach (The Greek and hebrew names for Christ) both mean the ______________ one
The virgin birth proves that Jesus is born without the trace of ________
Part 1 is arrangement/_________
to break off one’s betrothal in that culture, you would need a ______________ transaction
Instead of shaming her, Joseph shows Mary _____________
- Let not your ___ be troubled. _____ in God, ________ also in me. In my _________ house are many ________ 2. If it were not so, would I have told _________ that I ___to prepare a _________ for you?
hearts | Believe | Believe | Father’s | Rooms | you | go | place
- and if I go and prepare a _______ for you, I will ______ again and take you to me, that where ____ am you may be also. 4. and you _______ the way to where I am ______.
Place | come | I | know | going
- _______ said to him, “LORD, we do not know where you are _________, How can we know the___________? 6. ___________ said to him, “I am the ________-, the ____________, and the ____________. No one comes out the _________ except through me.
Thomas | going | way | Jesus | Way | truth | Life | Father
What Does God require in the 4th and 5th Commandments?
4: on the Sabbath day we spend time in worship of God
5: we love and honor our father and mother
What does God require in the 6th, 7th, and 8th commandments?
6: not hurt or hate our neighbor
7: live purely and faithfully
8: we do not take without permission what belongs to someone else
What does God require in the 9th and 10 commandments?
9: that we do not lie or deceive
10: we are content, not envying anyone
can anyone keep the Law of God perfectly?
Since the fall, no human has been able to keep the Law of God perfectly