Quiz 4 Flashcards
What is a unique characteristic about viruses?
viruses are obligate intracellular
they need to live in a host to replicate
What is a bacteriophage? give an example from lab
- a bacteriophage: a virus that infects a bacteria
- an example is T4
What is the diff between doing an assay for a virus vs a bacterium? what do u count?
- for a virus: plaques are counted or clear ones
- for a bacteria: colonies of cells are counted
What are the units for a viral assay?
PFU: plaque forming units
What are the bacteria that are commonly found in yogurt?
Streptococcus thermophilus
Lactobacillus bulgarius
What is the main organism in yeast, and what causes bread to rise in yeast?
- Sacchromyes cervisae
- CO2 causes bread to rise in yeast
Define indicator organism and give an example
- an organism that indicates contamination
ex. coliform
lytic v lysogenic
- lytic: results in cell lysis
- lysogenic: viral DNA is integrated into bacterial DNA
How do you count a viral assay
-count all the clear zones and put it in scientific notiation
if you count 32, multiply it by dilution (10^-6) -> 3.2x10^7
What is the gray area of a viral assay? What do the clear cells mean?
- gray: non lysed cells
- clear: plaques = viral count = lysed cells
The organism responsible for food poisoning and food intoxications are always apparent in food products as they severely alter the taste and odor of food
Viruses can infect which of the following:
answer: all of the above
- bacteria
- animals
- plants
Why was there a 10 minute incubation period before plating onto the bottom agar?
this gives the T4 time to infect and attach to the host which was E. coli .