Quiz 4 Flashcards
where are Aphrodite’s cult places
Cyprus and Cythera and the city of Salamis
Aphrodite in general
goddess of beauty, love, and marriage
Aphrodite in Athens
the staid and respectable deity of marraige and married love
sculptor that was mainly responsible for establishing Aphrodite’s sensuous body with soft curves and voluptuousness
the Graces (Charites)
personifications of aspects of loveliness associated with Aphrodite (often appears in threes)
associated with Aphrodite, daughters of Zeus and Themis and are the Seasons
Horae means “hours,” therefore “time” and therefore “seasons”
the Seasons
the Horae
son of Aphrodite, fertility god generally depicted as deformed and bearing a huge and erect phallus
found in gardens and at the doors of houses.
part scarecrow, part bringer of luck, and part guardian against theives
a man who sculpted a beautiful woman out of ivory and Aphrodite brought her to life and her name was Galatea
the statue that Pygmalion sculpted came to life by means of Aphrodite, her and Pygmalion mothered Paphos
son of Pygmalion and Galatea, father to Cinyras (who his daughter, Myrrha, falls in love with)
daughter of Cinyras. she falls desperately in love with her father and unbeknownst to him has sex with him on multiple nights. Cinyras finds out and she was changed into a Myrrh tree, but she was pregnant by Cinyras and gives birth to Adonis
a resurrection god son of Cinyras, a beautiful and handsome hunter. Aphrodite falls for him but he is attacked by a wild beast while hunting and he dies. Aphrodite cries in agony and sprinkles fragrant nectar on him and flowers sprang from his skin. another story is that when Adonis was an infant, Aphrodite put him in a box and gave it to Persephone. When she looked inside she didnt want to give the box back because the child was so beautiful, but Zeus settled that P can have him for half the year and Aphro can have him for the other half
rites associated with the worship of Adonis
ceremonial wailing and singing of dirges over the effigy of the dead youth
symbolism of Aphrodite and Adonis
the dead youth with the grieving mother or the Great mother and her lover, who dies as vegetation dies (Selene)
coming back to life through vegetation
parallel to Aphrodite and Adonis
female divinity, severed phallus organ turned to an almond tree from which Nana picked a flower that got her pregnant with Attis
god of the river Sangarios, picked a blossom from the almond tree of Cybele and became pregnant with Attis
resurrection god, son of Nana and when born left out in wild to die but was saved and raised by a he goat and grew into a handsome youth. Cybele fell in love with him (he didn’t reciprocate) and in her jealousy she drove him mad. in his madness, Attis castrated himself and died. Cybele repented him and obtained Zeus’ promise that the body of Attis would never decay, comes back to life with the rebirth of vegetation
worship of Cybele
followed by a group of devotees who worked themselves into frenzy of devotion that could lead to self-mutilation. it is accompanied by frantic music.
priests of Cybele, eunuchs
what are the worships of Cybele and Adonis?
mystery religions that rests upon a common fundamental belief in immortality
what is Aphrodite in the story of Anchises
she is the fertility goddess and mother as well as a divine and enticing woman, epitomizing the lure of sexual and romantic love
who are the goddesses that Aphrodite cannot bend to her will?
Athena, Hestia, and Artemis
who are the goddesses that Aphrodite cannot bend to her will?
Athena, Hestia, and Artemis
virginal sister to Apollo and goddess of the noisy hunt, the lyre, dancing choruses, and cities of mortals
Hippolytus obsessively worships her
son of Dardanus with beauty like that of a divinity. he’s a shepherd tending cattle on Mt. Ida. Zeus makes Aphrodite fall in love with him because she was being to boastful about never sleeping with a mortal like the rest of the gods. as a result, she seduces him and sleeps with him
Aphrodite pretends to be a virginal mortal when she seduces Anchises and she lies to him that she is the daughter of Otreus who rules Phyrgia
father of Anchises
son of Anchises and Aphrodite, and a great hero of the Romans
a beautiful mortal whom Zeus makes immortal on account of his beauty
of the Trojan royal family who was beloved by Eros and therefore made immortal
male counterpart of Aphrodite, and closely associated with her as her attendant. he shares many similar characteristics with her, like representing facts of love and desire
often he is the god of male homosexuality, particularly in the Greek classic period
how is Eros usually depicted?
as a handsome young man, the embodiment and idealization of masculine beauty
a dramatic poet who holds a celebration at his house in honor of winning with his first tragedy, where Plato’s Symposium takes place
Plato’s Symposium
a celebration at the house of Agathon where Aristophanes and Socrates share their theories on the nature of love (Eros)
guest at Plato’s Symposium
guest at Plato’s Symposium
god of blacksmiths, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, etc
Aristophanes (at Plato’s Symposium)
a comic playwright who suggests that the nature of Eros and human desire is that we desire to become with our other half– happiness lies in the fulfillment of love and each must find their appropriate beloved
a woman of Mantinea, a priestess who taught Socrates of Eros
what does Diotima say of Eros?
that he is neither mortal nor immortal, good nor bad, beautiful nor ugly
an abstraction of resourcefulness, the son of Metis. he became drunk at the feast of Aphrodite’s birth and snuck into the garden where Penia slept with him and bore a son, Eros
abstraction for cleverness
abstraction for poverty, sleeps with Poros and bears his son, Eros
Eros (Diotima’s explanation)
song of poverty and resourcefulness, servant to Aphrodite because he was conceived at the feast of her birth
what is the nature of Eros for Socrates (Diotima)
he is continually poor but resourceful, he is a lover of beauty and lays traps to catch it. since he is the lover of wisdom, he lies between wisdom and ignorance. since no wise person loves wisdom and no ignorant person do not love wisdom and long to become wise. eros is the love of beauty, and wisdom (for Socrates) is the ultimate beauty
what is the story of the nature of Eros for Aristophanes
humans used to be circular and there were three sexes; male, female, and androgynous. we were split in half as punishment for our hubris by Zeus and now we desire to find that other half
Plato’s nature of love
humans go form being an erotic lover to an intellectual lover– going from loving physical beauty in individuals to loving the soul and minds of people
a Roman author of the 2nd century who wrote Metamorphoses of The Golden Ass
Roman for Eros
the soul, youngest most beautiful daughter of a king and queen
Cupid and Pysche
a platonic relationship
god of west wind who carries Pysche to her mysterious prison where Cupid is her bridgegroom
a poetess from the island Lesbos
mother of Hippolytus, queen of the Amazons
a coastal town in the northeastern Peloponnese where Theseus is king and Euripides Hippolytus takes place
grandfather of Theseus
a legendary King of Athens
river that flows near Smyrna and where the temple of Artemis is
a site of a temple and oracle of Apollo
goddess of childbirth
mated with Zeus and became mother of Apollo and Artemis
Mt Cynthus
in Delos where Apollo and Artemis were born
Artemis’s cult title, because she was born on Mt Cynthus
where Leto wandered with Apollo and Artemis and where they refused to let her drink from the marsh so she turned them all into frogs
rich, beautiful, queen of Thebes that was enraged by the obsessive worship of Apollo and Artemis by the women in Thebes. mother of seven sons and seven daughters, who Apollo and Artemis murdered to forsake their mother. Niobe was turned to stone and sent away for Phyrgia
homeland of Niobe, where she is placed on a mountaintop as a marble statue
an ardent hunter who lost his way and by accident had the misfortune of seeing Artemis naked
grandfather to Actaen
a valley sacred to the huntress Artemis, where she rests from hunting
father of Actaen
Arcadian girl, follower of Artemis, raped by Zeus and turned into a bear by Hera
son of Callisto and Zeus
Mt. Erymanthus
where Arcas hunted and set traps and encountered his mother, Callisto, in her bear form
a star that Callisto became by the hand of Zeus
the Great Bear
name for Arctus, the star Callisto became by the hand of Zeus
Ursa Major
the Great Bear, the star Callisto became by the hand of Zeus
Bear Warden
the star that Arcas became by the hand of Zeus
the star that Arcas became by the hand of Zeus
the star that Arcas became by the hand of Zeus
the star that Arcas became by the hand of Zeus
the Little Bear
the star that Arcas became by the hand of Zeus
Ursa Minor
the star that Arcas became by the hand of Zeus
what Ursa Major was known as
a mighty and amorous huner on the island of Chios. he tries to rape Artemis when he is clearing the island of beasts and is killed by her because she produces a scorpion that stings him to death. he is in the constellations as
and island where Oenpion is king, famous for their wines
king of Chios, name means wine face
daughter of Oenpion who Orion woos
sun god who gave Orion back his sight after being blinded by Oenpion for wooing his daughter
daughters of the Titan Atlas and Pleione
or the Dog Star, the constellation where Orion is the dog of Atlas
a follower of Artemis, or according to Telesilla, Artemis herself
the river god who loved Arethusa
the fountain Arethusa
when Alpheus was pursuing Arethusa, Artemis turned her into a stream that flowed out into Syracuse in Sicily
in Asia Minor where a statue of Artemis depicts her in a robe of animal heads and exposed multiple breasts
a festival every four years in celebration of Artemis
what is the connection with Artemis and the moon?
Artemis can also be associated as a moon goddess and is therefore closely identified with Selene and Hecate
descendant of the titans and a fertility deity and goddess of roads
Hecates suppers
offerings of food left for the statue of Hecate for she was terrible in both her powers and in person
illegitimate son of Theseus, worshiper of Artemis, and Phaedra is hopelessly in love with him at the hands of Aphrodite
daughter of king Minos and wife of Theseus
father of Hippolytus
what Aphrodite is referred to in Hippolytus
a daffodil which Hades presented to Persephone when Hades kidnapped her
a plain where Persephone was taken by Hades
daughter of Perses who heard Persephone’s shouts
son of Hyperion, heard Persephone’s shouts
Goddess of Agriculture, Fertility, Sacred Law and the Harvest daughter of Rhea
ruler of Eleusis
daughter of Celeus
daughter of Celeus
daughter of Celeus
daughter of Celeus
wife of Celeus and mother of Callidice, Cleisidice, Demoand and Callithoe and hired Demeter
son of Celeus who Demeter nursed and burries in fire in order to protect him and make him more immortal
well where Demeter demands her temple to be built
Rharian plain
where Demeter and Persephone reuinte
messenger of Demeter
a town in Athens where the worship of Demeter was mainly held
Eleusinian Mysteries
the religious practice of worshipping Demeter that included fasting, an interval of nine days, the carrying of torches, the exchange of jests, the partaking in the drink if Kykeon, the wearing of special dress
a drink that was consumed during the worship of Demeter
Lesser Mysteries
the preliminary steps to initiation
Lesser Mysteries
the preliminary steps to initiation held once a year in Athens
Greater Mysteries
full initiation into the cult held annually during the months of September and October
a priest who partakes in the worship of Demeter and reveals the ultimate mysteries
the sacred objects of the greater and lesser mysteries
what was at the heart of the celebrations of Demeter?
a dramatic enactment, the revelation of sacred objects, and the uttering of certain words
the male phallus