Athena Apollo and Oedipus Flashcards
daughter of Metis and Zues
goddess of reason
one of the Titans, a daughter of Oceanus and Tethys; therefore, she was considered an Oceanid
goddess of childbirth
how was Athan born
Zeus fear a prophecy that a child born of him and Metis would overthrow him, so he swallowed pregnant Metis and Athan sprang from his head
name for Athena in Homeric hymns
Athena’s gender
she is female, but the only other divinity with both masculine and feminine qualities
servants of poseidon
river in Africa
a cape with the head of Medusa with the snakes all over
Athena’s presence
she thundered when she wore this cape and she made sounds and appearances of a storm
What does Athena’s name mean?
ATHENAI (Plural for “Athens” in Greek) her names means at Athens
it means the virgin quarter, but it really wasnt that big of a deal for the Greeks
sprung from the ground
what did Athena seem to embody?
a new order of things
Where was Apollo born?
in Delos
Who are Apollo’s parents?
Leto and Zeus
both a god and an island
both a god and an island
How long is Leto in Labor for?
9 days and 9 nights
Delcian Festival
dance of deliades, similar to the muses
who is Apollo’s twin?
with what region is apollo particularly associated with?
hyacinth flowers
a cyprus tree
a mountain where Apollo’s main seat is. Dionysus is in charge. Apollo decided to have an oracle in Krisa on Mt. Pernassus, across a steep valley from Mt. Helikon. He laid out his temple there an slew a dragon names Pythos.
dragon Apollo slew in Delphi. Pytho means rot
What does Delphi mean
naval of the earth
How is Delphi the center of the earth?
Zeus sent two eagles from the far east and the west and where they crashed was where the center of the world was
egg shaped stone
who are the priests for Apollo’s temple?
the cretans
how is apollo linked with the cretans?
a dolphin was said to ahem protected cretan sailors on their voyage
who is Apollo’s oracle?
prophetess of Apollo?
daughter of the Trojan King Priam, agreed to give herself to Apollo, who rewarded her with the gift of prophecy. When Cassandra changed her mind and rejected his advances, Apollo asked for one kiss and spit in her mouth, thus ensuring not only that Cassandra would keep her gift, but also that her true prophecies would never be believed.