Quiz 3- Module 6 ( Informatics, Communication & technology Flashcards
What is the definition of informatics?
“The science and practice which integrates nursing, it’s information & knowledge, their management with info & communication technologies to promote health of ppl, families & communities worldwide”
**Science/practice that integrates nursing with technology to promote health
What do information & communication technologies do? (ICT’s)
Add value to our healthcare system by increasing pt centeredness & Cost
What are the 3 CASN entry to practice competencies
1) Uses info to support delivery of evidence informed care
2) Uses ICT’s in accordance with professionals & regulatory standards
3) uses info tech in delivery of patient care
What is CIHI
Canadian institute for health info records
What does CIHI do?
Records, analyzes and disseminates essential data and analysis on Canada’s health system and the health of canadians
What does CHI stand for ?
Canadian health infoway
What does CHI do?
Helps to develop a canada wide digital presence in healthcare
they provide funds
Systematized nomenclature of Medicine clinical terms
what does it do?
Along with international classification of nursing practice (ICNP) helps to standardize the language and implementation of standardized assessments and documentation to platforms to strengthen communication
What are the 2 things that focus on standardizing assessments, doc and language
what does ICNP stand for
International classification of nursing practice
What is HI:NC
Health info, nursing components
what must health info have to ensure a nurses voice?
1) Pt. status
2) Interventions
3) outcomes
4) Resource intensity
5) Primary nurse identifyer
What is an EMR
revers to a record of only one visit
What is an EHR
refers to a lifetime of visits
How does EMR relate to EHR
One EHR is made up of many EMRs
What was canadian health infowar’s goal?
50% of canadians to have an EHR by 2010
What is the purpose of an EHR
-Positive impact on patient care quality through Inter-professional collaboration with improved data availablity and improving patient safety through the use of clinical decision support
What are the components of EHR
- Linked lifetime record
- Problem list (w/status)
- Standardized measurements
- Documentation of clinical reasoning
- Confidentiality/ privacy & audit trails
- continuous access
- sametime access
- links to database of internet resource
- decision making tool
- physician data entry
- cost & quality of care
- flexible / expandable
- result of diagnostic measure
How does EHR improve pt. care? (Six components) by providing access to…
1) Patient registry
2) Provider registry
3) Diagnostic images
4) Laboratory results
5) Drugs dispensed
6) Clinical report/immunizations
How is patient confidentiality protected?
By enforcing privacy rules which will prevent unauthorized access or disclose of pt. data
what does EHR enable?
The secure exchange of HC data between care providers
Why do we use institutional ethnography
to investigate the promises and practice for Canadian nursing EHR orientiented transformations
What else does EHR do?
reduces tech infrastructure costs by providing a single provincial data exchange hub
What does campbell and rankin say
Choice of EHR platform should be scrutinized well both pre and post implement
how many Canadians believe in the importance of personal health infromation
2/3 of canadians
Regardless of the practice setting or technology level, you are ethically, professionally and legally obligated too…
Protect the personal information of your patient
What parts are confidential?
- Physical & mental health services received
- organ donations
- testing
What are clinical decision making tools for?
To promot continuity to optimize care based on the best evidence (Muiltidisiplinary)
What is a clinical pathway
Multidisciplinary resource that support the routine care of a patient with in a set time frame
- no appropriate for all
- often surgical patients
What are the components of a clinical pathway
the path which is the dailey plan of care, pt. outcomes, progress and variance recording (@ end of shift) complementary documents (DR orders, pt. education books)
What are algorithms
Evidence based clinical practice guidelines that can help nurses to asses and manage patient conditions
-It is a sequence of steps
what are the advantages of algorithms
Logical, step by step process that can help refine nurses skills in decision making. Great for novice nurses
What are the drawbacks of algorithms
To rigid and encourage robotic decision making, lack consideration of all factors only as strong as the underlying evidence it is based on
What does the BC CDC do
monitor how effective vaccines are
With changing times… pt will begin to demand the use of…
tech integrated care
we must be careful with…
confidentiality, privacy, exclusionary practice and greater possibility for surveillance
What are the outcomes to emerge from E-nurse strategy
1) Nurses will integrate ICT into their practice to achieve valuable outcomes
2) Nurses will have required information & knowledge to support practice
3) Human resources planning will be facilitated
4) New models of nursing practice and health delivery supported
5) Nursing groups well connected
6) ICT will improve the quality of nurse work environments
7) Canadian nurses will contribute globally
What is the critical path
dailey plan of care, gives direction for interventions: assessments, treatment, activity, nutrition, education, consultation, trasitions, discharge plan
What are the 3 components
- Path
- Physician order
- Patient education booklets
What is an algorithm
Explicit description of an ordered sequence of steps to be take in patient care under specific circumstance
- Evidence based
- Can guide assessment
What are the drawbacks of an algorithm
don’t account for comorbidities, meds/social history & drug interactions
What is the sentinel practitioner surveillance
Monitors how well influenza vaccine protects ppl from the virus each year