Quiz 3 Lecture Flashcards
Equation for volume ejected by a ventricle in 1 minute:
CO = HR x SV
Equation for resting CO:
CO = 75bpm x 70 ml/beat = 5,250 ml/min, usually about 4 to 6 L/min
Equation for vigorous exercise CO:
CO to 21 L/min for fit person. Up to 35 or 40 L/min for a world class athlete
Cardiac reserve:
difference between maximum and resting CO
What happens when ventricular output differs on the right and left?
Congestive heart failure: fluid accumulation in either circuit. (Build up of pressure & fluid in one of the circuits.)
5 facts about heart rate:
- Measured frompulse
- Infants have HR of 120 beats per minute or more
- Young adult females avg. 72 - 80bpm
- Young adult males avg. 64 - 72bpm
- HR rises again in the elderly
What is Tachycardia? Name 5 causes.
persistent, resting adult HR > 100
- stress, anxiety, drugs, heart disease or increased body temp
What is Bradycardia?
persistent, resting adult HR < 60
- common in sleep and endurance trained athletes (increased Stroke volume)
Chronotropic agents?
Positive chronotropic agents raise HR
Negative chronotropic agents lower HR
The cardiac center of the medulla oblongata is an autonomic control center with 2 neuronal pools:
- Cardioacceleratory center (sympathetic)
- Cardioinhibitory center (parasympathetic)
Sympathetic Nervous System, what is the cardioacceleratory center? Name 3 things about it.
- Sympathetic cardiac accelerator nerves through cardiac plexus to SA node, AV node and mycardium
- these nerves secrete norepinephrine, which binds to B-adrenergic receptors in the heart
- Increases HR, blood flow through coronary circulation, and contractility
Parasympathetic Nervous System, what is the cardioinhibotory center of medulla?
-Stimulates vagus nerves
*Right vagus neve - cardiac plexus, then
postganglionic fibers in cardiac nerves to SA
*left vagus nerve- to cardiac plexus, then
post ganglionic fibers in cardiac nerves to
AV node
-secrete Ach
*binds to muscarinic receptors
*opens K+ channels in nodal cells, which
become hyperpolarized, fire less frequently,
HR slows down
- Vagal tone and parasympathetic withdrawal
Name the inputs to the cardiac center, and what do they respond to?
Higher brain centers: cerbral cortex, limbic system, hypothalamus
- respond to sensory and emotional stimuli
- conscious control limited
What are chronotropic chemicals:
- Neurotransmitters
- Drugs
- Hormones
- Electrolytes (K+ has greatest chronotropic effects)