Quiz 3 Flashcards
Deciduous maxillary first molar buccal view
Widest measurement is at the contact areas M and D; measurement at the cervix is about 2mm less, makes this tooth narrower looking at the cervix than permanent; occlusal line is scalloped with no definite cusp form; buccal surface is smooth, with very little evidence of a buccal groove; smaller than the second molar in all dimensions; size and shape looks like a combination molar and premolar (doesn’t resemble any other tooth); roots are slender, long, with a wide spread; distal root is shorter than mesial; bifurcation starts almost at cervical line showing very little root trunk (true for all)
Deciduous maxillary first molar lingual view
Generally similar to buccal view; crown converges lingually a lot; mesiolingual cusp is most prominent cusp,;distolingual cusp is poorly defined, round if there at all; some types of first molars have only one large lingual cusp, all 3 roots can be seen from this view
Deciduous maxillary first molar mesial view
Is wider at the cervical third than the occlusal third; mesiolingual cusp is longer and sharper than mesiobuccal cusp, will see a large concavexity on buccal at cervical third- identifier for this tooth ; cervical line will curve a little to the occlusal, distobuccal root is hidden behind the mesiobuccal root; lingual root is long, slender, curving sharply in buccal direction at middle 1/3
Deciduous maxillary first molar distal view
Crown is narrower distally than mesially, tapers a lot to the distal; distobuccal cusp is sharp, distolingual cusp is poorly developed; prominent bulge is not seen on distal view
Deciduous maxillary first molar occlusal view
Crown converges lingually and distally, but still is more rectangular on occlusal surface (shortest side being the marginal ridge); will have a central fossa with a mesial triangular fossa, small mesial pit; will be a sulcul connecting the 2 fossae, may have an oblique ridge going from mesiolingual to distobuccal; may have a distal developmental groove outlining a distolingual cusp; most resembles a permanent max. first premolar
Deciduous maxillary second molar buccal view
Resembles a permanent first molar except smaller; crown is narrower at cervix; crown is much larger than first molar; point of bifurcation is close to cervix; 2 buccal cusps are close to same size and more developed than first
Deciduous maxillary second molar lingual view
Will see 3 cusps- mesiolingual (large well developed) distolingual (well developed) with supplemental cusp- apical to mesiolingual called the tubercle or carabelli; if the tubercle is missing, there may only be a dimple; a developmental groove is present between the 2 lingual cusps; all 3 roots can be seen, lingual is largest and thickest
Deciduous maxillary second molar mesial view
crown looks short due to its thickness buccolingual; cervical line has little curvature- mostly straight across; mesiobuccal root is broad, flat with about 2/3 width of root trunk; lingual root has about same curvature as that of the first deciduous molar; mesiolingual cusp is just below bifurfaction
Deciduous maxillary second molar distal view
distal measurement is less than mesial (crown length); point of bifurcation of the roots is more apical than the others and is more above crown than is mesial
Deciduous maxillary second molar occlusal view
resembles first permanent molar; rhomboidal somewhat; cusps are mes-buc, dist-buc, mes-ling, dist-ling, tubercle of Carabelli; buccal surface quite flat with developmental groove between cusps; central fossa with central pit; mesial triangular fossa just distal to mesial marginal ridge; central groove; buccal developmental groove; prominent oblique ridge (ML to DB); distal trianglular fossa just mesial to distal marginal ridge (not well defined); distal groove goes between the 2 lingual cusps; it then becomes the lingual developmental groove; distal marginal ridge is well developed (not so with the first primary molar)
Deciduous mandibular first molar buccal view
This tooth doesn’t resemble any other (strange and primitive); mesial outline is straight from contact to cervix with little constriction at cervix; distal constricts a little more than usual; distal contact extends a little more distally; distal portion of crown is shorter than mesial; 2 buccal cusps are not distinct, with no developmental groove between them; mesial cusp is the largest of the 2 buccal cusps; may see a developmental depression on the buccal surface; roots are long and slender, with a wide spread beyond the crown outline (permanent premolar in between); appears as 2 teeth fused together; if the tooth were divided, the mesial half would be the larger (2x length, root 1/3 longer)
Deciduous mandibular first molar lingual view
Crown and root converge lingually on mesial surface; distolingual cusp is rounded hinting of a developmental groove between distolingual and mesiolingual; mesiolingual cusp is longer, sharp and centered and in line with mesial root; this cusp is a primary feature of this tooth; mesial marginal ridge is high enough that it appears as a cusp
Deciduous mandibular first molar mesial view
Extreme curvature at cervical third; this outline is only thing that is different from the second molar and permanent ones; buccal cusp are over the root base; can see the well developed mesial marginal ridge; cervical line slants upward buccal to lingual; buccal surface is flattened as do all primary molars; outline of a mesial rooth is not like any other primary tooth root with buccal and lingual outlines dropping straight down, almost parallel for 1/2 their length; with only a slight taper at apex
Deciduous mandibular first molar distal view
cervical line doesn’t drop buccally; length of crown buccally and lingually is more uniform; distal marginal ridge is not straight and is well developed; distal root is rounder and has more taper
Deciduous mandibular first molar occlusal view
Outline is more rhomboidal; can see the prominence on the mesio-buccal quite well; this accents the mesiobuccal line angle; mesiolingual cusp is seen as the largest, best developed cusp; buccal development grooves divides area evenly between 2 cusps; central groove divides buccal and lingual evenly ; mesiobuccal cusp has a well- defined triangular ridge ending in central groove; the lingual developmental groove goes from here separating the lingual cusps
Deciduous mandibular second molar buccal view
mesio-buccal and disto-buccal grooves divide the crown into 3 equal parts; the buccal surface is straight with 3 equal cusps which also differs from the permanent; roots are slender and long with lots of flare; point of bifurcation starts just below the cervical line
Deciduous mandibular second molar lingual view
2 cusps of equal size and dimension are evident; cervical line is relatively straight; crown extends out over the root more on distal than mesial; mesial part looks higher than distal giving a tipped distally look; may see parts of the buccal cusp also
Deciduous mandibular second molar mesial view
Outline resembles 1st permanent molar; crest of contour on the buccal is more prominent ; tooth is more constricted on the occlusal; buccal surface above the cervical line is flattened; buccal cusp is over the root; lingual outline is beyond the root line; marginal ridge is high; lingual cusp is higher than the buccal cusp; mesial root is broad, flat, with a blunt apex with possible serrations
Deciduous mandibular second molar distal view
crown is less wide distally than mesially; can see mes-buc and mes- ling cusps; dis-ling cusp is well developed with triangular ridge seen going down into the occlusal surface
Deciduous mandibular second molar occlusal view
Rectangular in shape; Three buccal cusps are similar in size; Two lingual cusps are also similar in size; Mesiolingual width of lingual cusps is less than mesiolingual width of buccal cusps; Each cusp has well developed triangular ridges ending in a central groove; Central groove follows a staggered course from mesial triangular fossa to distaltriangularfossa; Distal triangular fossa is less developed than mesial; Two buccal grooves are confluent with the buccal developmental grooves onbuccalsurface; There is only one lingual developmental groove merging with lingual groove; Outline of crown converges distally- outline of tips of cusps is more of a rectangle; Comparison with Permanent 1st mandibular molar (In deciduous molar the buccal cusps are mostly equal in size; Crown is narrower buccolingual due to small size of cusps)
Deciduous mandibular second molar extra
Has a lot of the same characteristics as a 1sr permanent molar except size; the cervix is constricted more than the permanent molar
The canines
4 of them ( 6, 11, 22, 27); they are the longest of the permanent teeth; long thick roots that help anchor them in the alveolar process; placed in the corners of the mouth; referred to as the cornerstones of the mouth; middle labial lobes are the most developed giving rise to the strong, well formed cusp; shapes provide for the guidance of the teeth “canine guidance;” because of the shapes of the canines and the long roots, they resemble carnivore teeth; shapes of the crowns contribute to self cleaning; important for stabilizing for partial dentures in prosthetic procedures; bone ridge over the roots is called the canine eminence; has a high cosmetic value; shapes the corners of the mouth; efficiency in function, stability, and natural facial expression; also they are placed between the premolars and the incisors for support
Maxillary Canine general
Incisal ridges- mesial and distal; mesial contact area and distal contact area are at different heights; tooth is a transition between the lateral incisor and the first premolar; incisal portion is thicker labiolingually than any of the other incisors; labiolingual measurement is 1mm greater than the central, mesiodistal is about 1mm less; cingulum shows greater development than the central; root is labiolingual with developmental depressions that help anchor into bone
Maxillary canine labial
Crown and root are narrower than central; mesially, the crown is convex- contact area is at junction of middle and incisal third; Distally, the crown outline is concave from cervical line to the distal contact area,which is at the center of middle third; cusp tip on a line with the center of the root; the mesial cusp slope is the shorter of the 2 and both will show concavity before wear and are developmental; labial surface is smooth and convex; middle lobe shows greater development- labial ridge- distal to the ridge may have concavity at cervical third; root appears slender and is conical with a bluntly pointed apex; the geometric outline of the crown is pentagonal; cervical line is convex toward the root
maxillary canine lingual
crown and root are narrower lingually than labially; cervical line may be straight for a short distance; cingulum is large and may be pointed as in a small cusp; usually have a lingual ridge from cusp tip to near cingulum with shallow distal and mesial (lingual) fossa (sometimes these do not show at all); will have heavy mesial and distal marginal ridges before wear takes place (mesial marginal ridge is longer than the distal marginal ridge becuase of the shorter mesial cusp slope and the location of the mesial contact area); because of the narrow root lingually, one can see parts of the mesial and distal surface of the root
maxillary canine mesial
Greater bulk and greater labiolingual measurements than any of the other anterior teeth; geometric (crown) outline is wedge (triangular) shaped, widest at the cervical area; labial outline is convex, more so than the central incisors (from cervical line to cusp tip; crest of curvature is at cervical thirds); lingual outline is convex at the cingulum (crest of curvature is on cingulum), then straight at middle third (in middle third, at the lingual ridge, the lingual outline is slightly concave), convex incisal third (cusp tip); cervical line curves toward cusp about 2.5 mm from CEJ (convexity is less marked than that on incisors); outline of the root is conical with tapered or bluntly pointed apex; the labial outline of the root is almost perpendicular (slightly convex), most of taper is on the lingual outline; lingual outline of root is more convex; a line bisecting the cusp is labial to a line bisecting the root (cusp is located slightly labially to root axis); mesial surface of the root is broad with a shallow depression for partway- help to anchor root
maxillary canine distal
Shape of crown distally is similar to crown shape from mesial aspect expect: Cervical line has less curvature (toward the cusp tip) than mesial (1.5mm); distal marginal ridge is heavier and irregular in outline; will be more concavity above (cervical to) the contact area; more pronounced developmental depression on distal side of root
maxillary canine incisal
Out of anterior teeth, only one with a cusp; Labiolingual dimension is greater than mesiodistal; tip of the cusp is labial to the center of the crown labiolingual and mesial to the center mesiodistal; mesial section is wider than distal section- stretched to the distal to contact the first premolar; ridge of the middle lobe stands out; cingulum is a shorter arc than the labial outline; whole outline is a series or arcs similar to a french curve; labial surface is convex, more than either incisors
mandibular canine general
Is narrower mesiodistal than the maxillary; may be longer by .5-1mm; root may be as long but is usually shorter; labiolingual dimension may be just slightly less than maxillary; lingual surface is smoother with less cingulum development than maxillary canine; cusp is not as well developed with thinner cusp ridges labiolingually; may see a bifurcated root ; LONGEST CROWN IN MOUTH; MOST COMMON ANTERIOR TOOTH THAT HAS BIFURCATION; proximal aspects (crown is wedge shaped but thinner in the incisal aspect than the maxillary; incisal ridge is lingual or on the long axis of the root)
mandibular canine labial
MD dimension is less by about 1mm; is wider MD than mandibular incisors; smooth and convex with labial ridge; difference between mandibular canines and maxillary canine (labial ridge is not as pronounced as maxillary; crowns on mandibular appear longer due to narrowness and higher contact areas; cusp tip is centered on the long axis of the root; mesial outline of the crown is nearly straight; mesial cusp ridge is shorter than distal; mesial side of crown is slightly convex to flat; mesial contact is well within the incisal thirds; distal contact is at the junction of the incisal and middle thirds; crown surface in incisal third slightly flat mesial to labial ridge; more flattened distal to labial ridge; distal contact area is more incisal, but not as much as mesial contact area; distal is slightly concave in the cervical third; distal is convex in the incisal 2/3; more tooth structure on the distal half; cervical line is semicircular curve apically; a lot of mandibular canines appear to be bent distally on the root base; root is convex on the facial surface; tapers to a blunt apex; mandibular root is shorter by 1-2mm; if there is curvature at the root end, it most often is mesially)
mandibular canine lingual
lingual surface is flatter than maxillary; cingulum is smooth and poorly developed (lower and less prominent); marginal ridges are less distinct than maxillary; lingual portion of the root is narrow- less than half that of the maxillary; facial outline of the root is visible from the lingual; crown and root taper lingually making the lingual narrower than facial; lingual ridge and fossae not as prominent as maxillary;
mandibular canine mesial
less curvature labially on the crown- very little at the cervical line; cingulum is less pronounced; incisal is thinner and cusp appears more pointed with slender ridge; tip of cusp is more centered over the root; cervical line is more toward the incisal than the maxillary
mandibular canine incisal
Differences between maxillary and mandibular (MD dimension is less than LL dimensions); outline is more symmetrical than the maxillary canine; similarity between canines more convex on mesial half of crown; flat or concave on distal half; the crown is twisted on the incisal edge to the distal; the cingulum is centered or slightly distal to the long axis