Quiz #3 Flashcards
Central role of patrol?
Patrol officers majority assigned to patrol work
- They are the most important decision makers in policing and Gatekeepers in criminal justice system
- patrol is a formative part of a police officer’s career
Patrol duty is…?
- Considered the least desirable
- Most look for advancement, by promotion or assignment to something better, like detective work
FINAL Robert Peel (creator of Modern police) defined 3 functions:
3 Basic Functions of patrol:
- To deter crime
- To enhance feelings of public safety
- To make officers available for service
O.W. Wilson stated:
- patrol seeks to deter crime by creating “an impression of omnipresence” that will eliminate “the actual opportunity” (or the belief that opportunity exists)
The second function of patrol is to main feelings of public safety.
The visible presence of patrol officers assures citizens that they are being protected from crime
The third function of patrol is to make…
officers available for service by dispersing officers within the community
Albert Reiss stated
“No other professional operates in a comparable setting” Police only profession to make house calls
Factors Affecting the Delivery of Patrol Services
- Efficiency depends on:
1. The number of sworn officers
2. The percentage of officers assigned to patrol
3. The distribution of patrol officers by the time of day and area
4. The type of patrol used (car or foot)
5. One officer vs. two officer patrols
6. Work style of the patrol officers
Number of Sworn Officers in Washington DC
The nation’s capital, there were 6.3 sworn officers for every 1,000 people in 2008
Best secrets in policing is to add…
…just 1 officer on the street, an agency must hire an additional 10 officers
- 17% of these officers do not work because of sick days, required training, and other personal or professional activities
Police-population ratio?
The traditional measure of the level of police protection in a community
**The national average for larger municipal departments in 2008 was 2.5 officers per 1,000 population
FINAL Hot spot?
An area that receives a disproportionate number of calls for police service and/or has a very high crime rate.
FINALType of patrol?
- 84% police patrol in cars
- 4% patrol on foot
- 5% patrol on motorcycle
- 5% patrol on bicycles
3 styles of patrol?
- Individual style
- Supervisor style
- Organizational style
Officer-initiated activity (Individual Style)
- includes stopping, questioning, and frisking suspicious people, making informal contacts with law-abiding citizens, stopping vehicles for possible violations, writing traffic tickets, checking suspicious events, and making arrests.
Supervisor Style
- Officer’s activity can be shaped by supervisor’s style
FINAL Organizational Style
James Q. Wilson identified three different organizational styles:
- Watchmen
- Legalistic
- Service Style
Watchmen Style?
Emphasizes peacekeeping, without being agressive
Legalistic Style
Emphasizes aggressive crime fighting through a by the book approach
Service Style
Usually used where there is little crime, emphasizes responsive to the community expectation
A basic unit of police patrol consists of?
A sergeant and a crew of patrol officers
FINAL Span of control
that a supervisor can effectively manage only a limited number of officers
FINAL Contemporary 911-driven police work is?
- ) Citizen dominated
- ) Reactive
- ) Incident Based
FINAL 911 Systems
The 911 Emergency number was introduced by the American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T) first introduced in 1968.
First system went into operation where?
Haleyville, Alabama, right after President Kennedy was shot
911 systems have…?
…contributed to the great increase in calls for service.
– Police are able to manage delayed responses to certain nonemergency calls.
FINAL The communications center operators, dispatchers, and patrol officers are?
“Information Brokers” who receive citizen calls and translate them into official bureaucratic responses
Operators exercise…?
Tremendous discretion
How many calls result in police dispatch?
Only half
How many calls referred to other agencies?
17 percent
- Takes information from caller in 16% of calls
- Gives information to citizen in 9%
- In 14% told that police can’t handle the call or call is transferred
Operator-Citizen Interaction
Need to provide officers with as much
accurate information as possible
Interactions lengthy, involving many
Some questions gauge caller’s
Others are a threat to caller’s personal
The Call Service Workload
—The Volume of Calls—
Depends on the area
Minneapolis: 550 per year
St. Paul: 221 per year
Type of Calls:
Order maintenance calls
Service calls
However, many situations are ambiguous
Response time?
To calls is part of policing
4 things in response time:
- ) Discovery time - when crime is committed to when it’s discovered Can’t be controlled by police
- ) Reporting time - Between discovery time and when citizen calls police
- ) Processing time - Time between the call and dispatch of a police car
- ) Travel Time - Time it takes police officer to reach crime scene
Citizens delay calling the police for several reasons
- To verity that crime actually occurred
- To regain their composure
- To call a friend or family first
- To decide if they want police involved
- Telephone not immediately available
Project on Policing Neighborhoods
- Best study on routine police work
- Study found patrol officers only spend 20% of their time per shift on general patrol and 15% traveling to locations.
- Community-policing officers spent less time in general patrol
Evading duty?
Officers can create free time for themselves by delaying calls
In pursuits…
…police departments give officers broad discretion about engaging in pursuits
Operation 25?
The NYC Police Department doubled the number of patrol officers in the 25th Precinct for four months during 1954.
- The department stated increase patrol decreased muggings by 90%
- Flaw: Didn’t take displacement into consideration
Kansas City Preventative Patrol Experiment
read on p. 220 and 221
-Controversial results
-Challenged traditional assumptions about
– Basically there was no significant changes in behavior or lifestyle because of perceived changes in police protection
- Level of patrol did not affect attitudes towards police
- Patrol had no impact on crime
- Patrol didn’t make citizens feel safe
many crimes are impulsive and happen indoors
Newark Foot Patrol Experiment
- Patrol did not decrease crime
- But did effect citizens attitudes
- Reduced fear of crime
- More positive and supported police
Differential Response?
Classifying calls according to seriousness