Quiz #2 Flashcards
FINAL Quasi-military style criticism
- “Us” versus “them” attitude
- Encourages idea of war on crime
- Produces low morale
- Rigid structure = job dissatisfaction
FINAL Military tool used?
8,000 police dogs used by local police in 2007, along with planes, boats and helicopters.
Dominant style as a complex bureaucracy
- tasks assigned to bureaus
- hierarchy and clear division of labor
- specific tasks delegated to lower-rank employees
- clear chain of command
Problems in bureaucracy in policing?
- inflexible, unable to adapt to external changes
- communication within usually breaks down
- isolated from the people they serve
- accused of not using talents of their employees
Informal aspects - horizontal and vertical disputes
- Horizontal disputes - go to similar rank
- Vertical disputes - go to different ranks
Police Professionalism
Professional departments adopted a “by the book” approach
But bureaucracy imposes formal control over behavior of officers
FINAL Community policing
- decentralizes decision making
- territorial
Task forces
- Based on talents
- Officers from different ranks or agencies to solve certain problems
FINAL Community policing attempts to…
- modify police organization through de-bureaucratization
- deformalize (gt rid of rules/manuals
- despecialize (replace specialized units with officers in neighbourhood
- delayerize (decrease distance between officers and chief)
FINAL COMPSTAT (Computer Comparison Statistics)
- Used first by NYC Police in 1994
- Clarifies department’s mission, goals and values
- Holds managers accountable
- Commanders responsible for geographic areas
FINAL COMPSTAT is used to:
- identify problems
- evaluate success and failure
FINAL Police Unions
Majority of police officers are represented by unions
- to improve salaries and benefits
FINAL 3 major police unions
- Fraternal order of police
- International Union
- Teamsters Law enforcement League
Contingency Theory
Organizations are structured to achieve specific goals (eg. crime control)
Institutional Theory
Organizations operate in relation to their external social and political environment
Resource Dependency Theory
Organizations must obtain resources to survive (interact with other organizations in community)
FINAL Sense of Mission” James Q. Wilson
- “Organization has a sense of mission when its culture is shared by operators and managers alike”
- Organizational features
- Particular goals
- Professional background and training
FINAL Styles of Policing:
- Service Style Policing
- Legalistic
- Watchmen
* Most effective way is to combine them all*
FINALService style policing
- Focuses on providing assistance
- View taxpayers as bosses
FINAL Legalistic style of policing
In departments that discourage discretion
Is reactive
FINAL Watchmen
Doesn’t respond to situations much, but when it does it’s aggressive.
*Proactive, look to deter crime.
Differential Association Theory
- Holds that criminal (or police) behavior is learned
A trope
Take stolen goods, but don’t arrest offender. Helps to deal with low level crime.
The Hawthorne Experiments
- Factory with 45,000 employees in Illinois
- Studied how women assembling telephone relays were impacted by various factors
eg. two breaks v one break, length of day - Conclusion of study: pay is important but not thing important
- Recognition motivates workers
4 phases:
Choice, intro, encounter, metamorphisis
40 years ago…
…almost all officers were male, white and had a high school education
Personnel problems:
- not trained properly
- do not supervise them well
- do not have evaluation system
- fail to discipline officers
- fail to provide career opportunities
- do not promote the best officers
= all these together equals personnel problems
National Center for Women and Policing
- Argues that stereotypes emphasizing officer use of force and need of physical strength discourage women to consider policing
FINAL 30 years ago…
Nearly all police departments (85%) required officers to be at least 5’8”
- This was challenged in lawsuits by Hispanic and Asian Americans
FINAL 82%…
…of police departments require only a high school education or equivalent
But requirements are higher in bigger cities
Residency: American Civil Liberties…
A true part of the community they patrol and not appear as outsiders.
25% officers live in the same city they work
FINAL Title IV 1964 Civil Rights Act
Unlawful for employer to fail or refuse to hire or discharge someone based on race, color or religion…
FINAL 1972 Equal Opportunity Act
Extended to include police and sheriff’s department
Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications
- Refuse to hire people who do not possess qualification necessary for the job
1990 American with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Includes police but unable to properly define disability
Affirmative Action
Resulted in hiring of only white men. More proactive
= ending discrimination
First woman police officer…
hired in Indianapolis., 1968
By 2050
More Hispanic and Asians in policing
Equal Employment Opportunity Index
- Lewis and Walker developed it
Dividing population of % of race in police form by % of race in department
Rite of Passage
Socializes recruits into police subculture
Visual cues such as gender, clothing, race, become a form of stereotyping, major contributor to police and community relation problems
FINAL Herbert’s 6 factors that shape and help explain police subculture
- The Law
- Bureaucratic Control
- Culture of adventure
- Society
- Compentence
- Morality
Cohort Effects
Officers from different decades have different ideas and lifestyles
Relationship between attitudes and behavior
- Constrained by police bureaucracy and criminal justice system
- Due to citizen complaint or lawsuit
- Disciplinary action by police department for misconduct