Quiz 3 Flashcards
Prepare for CNA Quiz 3.
Fowler’s Position
A semi-sitting position; the head of the bed is raised between 45 and 60 degrees.
Full visual privacy
Having the means to be completely free from public view while in bed.
High-Fowler’s position
A semi-sitting position, the head of the bed is raised 60 to 90 degrees
Resident unit
The personal space, furniture, and equipment provided for the person by the nursing center.
Reverse Trendelenburg’s position
The head of the bed is raised and the foot of the bed is lowered.
Semi-Fowler’s position
The head of the bed is raised 30 degrees; or the head of the bed is raised 30 degrees and the knee portion is raised 15 degrees
Trendelenburg’s position
The head of the bed is lowered and the foot of the bed is raised.
Cotton drawsheet
A drawsheet made of cotton; it helps keep the mattress and bottom linens clean.
A small sheet placed over the middle of the bottom sheet
Waterproof drawsheet
A drawsheet made of plastic, rubber, or absorbent material used to protect the mattress and bottom linens from dampness and soiling.
Early morning care (AM care)
Care given before breakfast.
Breathing fluid, food, vomitus, or an object into the lungs.
an artificial tooth or a set of artificial teeth
Evening Care (PM care)
Care given in the evening at bedtime; PM care
Morning care
Care given after breakfast; hygiene measures are more thorough at this time.
Oral hygiene
Mouth care
Perineal care
Cleaning the genital and anal areas; pericare
A thin film that sticks to the teeth; it contains saliva, microbes, and other substances
Hardened plaque
Hair loss
A drug that prevents or slows down blood clotting
Excessive amounts of dry, white flakes from the scalp
Excessive body hair
Lice (Pediculosis)
Infestation with wingless insects
A very small spider-like organism
Pediculosis capitis
Infestation of the scalp with lice; head lice
Pediculosis corporis
Infestation of the body with lice
Pediculosis pubis
Infestation of the pubic hair with lice
A tube used to drain or inject fluid through a body opening
The process of inserting a catheter
Painful or difficult urination
Foley catheter (Indwelling catheter)
A catheter left in the bladder so urine drains constantly into a drainage bag; retention
Micturition (urination)
The process of emptying urine from the bladder; voiding
Frequent urination at night
Mixed incontinence
The combination of stress incontinence and urge incontinence
Scant amount of urine; less than 500 mL in 24 hours
Overflow incontinence
Small amounts of urine leak from a full bladder
Abnormally large amounts of urine
Reflex incontinence
Urine is lost at predictable intervals when the bladder is full
Straight catheter
A catheter that drains the bladder and then is removed
Stress incontinence
When urine leaks during exercise and certain movements that cause pressure on the bladder.
Transient incontinecne
Temporary or occasional incontinence that is reversed when the cause is treated
Urge incontinence
The loss of urine in response to a sudden, urgent need to void; the person cannot get to a toilet in time.
Urinary frequency
Voiding at frequent intervals
Urinary incontinence
The involuntary loss or leakage of urine
Urinary urgency
The need to void at once
A surgically created opening between the colon and abdominal wall
The passage of award, dry stool
The process of excreting feces from the rectum through the anus; a bowl movement
The excessive loss of water from tissues
The frequent passage of liquid stools
The introduction of fluid into the rectum and lower colon
Fecal impaction
The prolonged retention and buildup of feces in the rectum
Fecal incontinence
the inability to control the passage of feces and gas through the anus.
the excessive formation of gas or air in the stomach and intestines
Gas or air passed through the anus
A surgically created opening between the ileum (small intestine) and the abdominal wall.
A surgically created opening for the elimination of body wastes
The alternating contraction and relaxation of intestinal muscles
An opening that can be seen through the abdominal wall.