Quiz 3 Flashcards
A sanitary drainage and vent system = drain, waste and vent (DWV) system:
A network of pipes that carries away sanitary wastes from within a building to a public sewer or to sewage disposal plant.
A sanitary drainage and vent (DWV) system consists of
● Sanitary drainage side
● Vent system side
Sanitary drainage side
Carries wastewater away from the plumbing fixtures and out of the building.
It consists of
● Traps at each fixture
● Fixture branches
● Stacks
● Building drains
Vent system side
Introduces and circulate air in the system to
● Maintain atmospheric pressure in the drain lines
● Ensure adequate gravity flow of wastewater
● Prevent a negative pressure (suction) in the system that could suck water from fixture traps and allow sewer gases to infiltrate the building
● Exhaust sewer gases to the outdoors
A portion of piping in U shape and filled with a water seal.
The water column in a trap is between 2 – 4 in. deep.
Prevents the backup of sewer gas into a building through the drainage connection of plumbing fixtures.
Water closets, Bidets, Urinals have an integral trap:
Other plumbing fixtures use external traps:
Traps are made of
wrought iron
Q-traps (sometimes called ¾ S-traps) and S-traps
S-traps are generally not permitted
because they can easily be siphoned.
Each trap must be
Each trap must be vented to the atmosphere.
To prevent the liquid seal being sucked dry if a pressure differential is created between the building and the sewer.
Fixture Branch
Drain line which connects horizontally the fixture to the sanitary drainage system.
Branch slope
1/8 to ½ in. per ft (10.4 to 41.6 mm per meter) beginning from the fixture.
Branch piping material: copper, approved plastic, galvanized steel, cast iron
Branch piping location: under the floor
Vertical pipe connected to the fixture branches.
Soil Stack
Stack that carries human waste from water closet.
Waste Stack
Stack that carries all waste except human waste
Stack Info:
Stack material: copper, approved plastic, galvanized steel, cast iron
Stacks are connected to the building drain and fixture branches.
The connections should be angled 45* or more to allow smooth flow of wastewater.
A stack must be supported at 10-ft (3 m) intervals to limit movement of the pipe.
Pipe Chase
Space that is left to put the pipes in, it runs from the first floor to the roof of the building.
A drain stack connected to an underfloor building drain.
There is a floor cleanout at the base of the stack.
Building Drain
Horizontal pipe from the drain stack to building sewer. It extends 2 to 5 ft (0.6 to 1.5 m) outside the foundation wall of the building.
Building drain slope: 1/16 to ½ in. per ft (5.2 to 41.6 mm/m)
1/8 to ¼ in. per ft (10.4 to 20.8 mm/m) are common in most buildings.