Quiz 3 Flashcards
Greek term meaning measuring rod or bar which was adopted by the Church to determine which books were to be included in the Bible.
The process of recognizing a book as divinely inspired requiring its inclusion in the canon of Scripture.
The term used to describe the study of how the universe is structured.
Fertile Crescent:
The region of fertile land stretching in an arch from the Persian Gulf up the Euphrates River and back down trough Palestine to include the upper Nile River/delta in Egypt.
Ancient Near East (ANE):
The term used to identify the region of the world that was the center of the ancient world of Bible times and before.
Dead Sea Scrolls:
The body of literature discovered between 1947—1956 in caves along the northwest side of the Dead Sea.
The term used to describe the 10 commandments as found in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5.
The art and science of biblical interpretation which utilizes a defined set of rules.
The name given to the region between and around the Euphrates and the Tigris Rivers in ancient Babylon and Assyria stretching from the Persian Gulf to ancient Haran
The belief in one god.
A country believed to be governed by a god and set of religious rules or laws established by that deity
The belief in one god without denying the existence of other gods.
The region between the Jordan River valley and the Mediterranean Sea.
The time period after the end of the Babylonian exile of 605-538BC and ended with the Roman Period in 63BC.
The proposed physical location of the monastic settlement on the northwest shores of the Dead Sea believed to be where a group of Essenes copied and hid the Dead Sea Scrolls.
The Greek Old Testament written in the 3rd century BC which was used by the Greek-speaking communities of the NT Church. Also known as the LXX.
The lowlands consisting of gradual rolling hills located on Judah’s western frontier.
The body of Jewish literature which consists of the Mishnah (the recorded Jewish oral tradition) and the Gemara (the explanation of the traditions).
The Aramaic paraphrase of the Hebrew Scriptures which came into use after the Hebrew language died out.
The appearance of God or a heavenly being (such as an angel) to a human.
The heroic Jewish family that dominated the political scene of Israel during the Intertestamental period.
The term used to designate the period of time between the last prophet Malachi and the birth of Jesus.
The study of how something (e.g., a text or book) developed over time.
The study of something (e.g., a text or book of the Bible) in its final form.