Final Exam Flashcards
chapter 6-12
931 bc
division of kingdoms of Judah and Israel during Rehoboam reign
745 bc
Tiglath pileser III comes to the throne
734 bc
The beginning of the Syro-Ephraimite war
731 bc
The end of the Syro-Ephraimite war
722 bc
Northern Kingdom goes into exile to Assyria
701 bc
Sennacherib’s siege of Jerusalem during Hezekiah’s reign
612 bc
Sacking of Ninevah by Babylon
609 bc
Battle of Haran and death of Josiah
605 bc
Battle of Carchemesh; end of Assyria & defeat of Egypt by Babylon
604 bc
First exile of Judah by Babylon; Daniel goes into exile
597 bc
second exile of Judah by Babylon; Takes Ezekiel & Jehoiachin into exile
586 bc
Final exile of Judah by Babylon; complete destruction of Jerusalem and Temple
562 bc
Death of Nebuchadnezzar
538 bc
Decree from Cyrus for Jews to return to Judah
520 bc
Temple reconstruction begins; told in Zechariah and Haggai