Quiz 2 Navigation and Weather Flashcards
A skipper is responsible for the safety of the ____ and _____, While he may delegate tasks to an experienced ____, the skipper will always be held responsible.
crew and boat
List at least four important items of emergency equipment that should be located and checked before departure:
life jackets (PFD's) fire extinguishers horn VHF radio flares bilge pump
When controlling a dockline from on board, take at least one ____ around a cleat to take the load and avoid rope burns.
When docking or undocking under power, the two primary factors to assess are ____ and ____.
wind and current
The flow of water generated by the propeller is called ____ ____.
prop wash
The tendency of the stern of the boat with a right handed prop to move to ____ when reverse gear is first engaged is called ____ ____.
prop walk
To make a 180-degree turn in a limited space you must perform a ____ ____. On a boat with a right handed prop. this entails turning to starboard with alternate bursts of ____ and ____ power.
standing turn
bursts of forward and reverse power
When you encounter adverse wind conditions during docking or undocking, the use of ____ lines as well as the engine and the ____ will help you control the boat.
The greater the tidal range, the longer the docklines must be to allow the boat to ____ and ____ with the tide.
rise and fall
List three indications your anchor may be dragging:
vibrating anchor chain
changes in range or bearings
closeness to another vessel
Two anchors set from the bow 45 to 60 degrees apart is called a ____ ____. This method maximizes holding power and reduces ____.
forked moor
When approaching a mooring buoy, preparation and ____ between skipper and ____ are essential for a perfect pick up.
planning (or communicating)
The VHF radio is the primary means for making urgency communications. The three levels of urgent calls are ____ for life threatening situations, ____ for non-life threatening situations and ____ for navigation or weather hazards.
MAYDAY for life threatening situations
PAN PAN for non-life threatening situations
SECURITE for navigation or weather hazards
The International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea (COLREGS), published under the title ____ ____, establish actions to prevent collisions. Nevertheless, Rule 2 states that ____ is responsible for avoiding collision.
Navigation Rules
At night, a sailboat under sail may show a masthead ____ light alone. If under power. a boat must show a white ____ light above deck-level sidelights.
steaming (or masthead)
Before towing a dinghy. remove loose gear and tilt or remove the ____. When towing, use a ____ towline, attach the dinghy securely to the sailboat, and tow it at a ____ behind the boat appropriate for the conditions.
sturdy towline
When arriving in a foreign country, you must fly the ____ flag just below your starboard spreader. After clearing ____ and ____, you must lower it and fly the nations courtesy flag in its place.
Q flag
A large scale chart shows small geographic area in ____ detail. A smal scale chart shows a large area in ____ detail.
To measure the distance between two points on a nautical chart, span your dividers between the two points, then measure on the latitude / longitude scale (circle one), where 1 minute = 1 ____ ____.
nautical mile
If the distance between waypoints A and B on your course is 18 nm and your speed is 5 knots, your Estimated Time Enroute is ____ hours. If you depart A at 0845, your ETA at B will be ____.
Your direction of intended travel is called the ____, but the path that the boat actually follows is the ____. A properly calculated and steered ____ will allow your course and track to be the same.
Dead reckoning uses the boat’s ____, ____, and time elapsed to determine a DR position. A DR position does not incorporate ____ or leeway.
The intersection of two or more ____ ____ ____ gives a fix, which is the calculated position of the boat.
lines of position (LOPs)
When navigating with a gps plotter, its important to use the appropriate ____ to ensure you have the correct level of detail for safety.
The vertical datum from which soundings are referenced on NOAA charts is ____ ____ ____ ____. On British Admiralty charts, the vertical datum is ___ ___ ___.
Mean Lower Low Water
Lowest Astronomical tide
In the Northern hemisphere mid-latitudes, wind circulates clockwise and outward from a ____-pressure system, and counterclockwise and into a ____-pressure system.
Using the rule of 15s, state the lower threshold wind speeds for: Small Craft Advisory ____, gale ____, storm ____ and hurricane ____.
Small Craft Advisory > 20 kt
Gale > 35 kt
Storm > 50 kt
hurricane 65 kt
____ fog forms on clear nights with ____ wind, and will burn off with the sun or dissipate in the wind. A fog that requires wind to transport warm air over cold water, and may persist even in strong winds is called ____ fog.
List at least three actions to take when navigating in low visibility.
take a fix plot a course slow down make sound signals hoist radar reflector
Synoptic-scale describes weather patterns over a large area, but local winds may be strongly influenced by local factors such as ____.
An onshore breeze, driven by differential heating of land and sea, that may enhance or diminish the synoptic wind is called a ____ ____.
sea breeze