Quiz #2 (Alc: Ch. 7 & 8) Flashcards
what is binge drinking? (men vs women)
Men 5+, Women 4+ in one sitting (2 hours)
- does not decrease as we age, peak in HS & college
what are the ingredients in alcohol?
sugar, water, yeast, warm temps
what in beer and champagne makes for a quicker buzz?
CO2 allowing the stomach to empty quicker into the small intestine
what does alc do to the CNS?
what is meant by social lubricant?
drinking decreases inhibitions (shyness) and increases extroversion (socialness)
what are some reasons influences for why people don’t think drinking alc is bad?
- alc is legal
- media promotes alc use & it being safe
- sale of alc is widely accepted
- long tradition of drinking (4000 BC)
what percentage of night time drivers are over 0.08% BAC?
what is the lethal BAC?
0.4-0.6% BAC
what is the difference between methyl alc, ethylene glycol, isopropyl alc, and ethanol?
methyl: made from wood, industrial products
ethylene glycol: antifreeze
isopropyl: antiseptic
ethanol: drinking
what is proof?
half of proof is the % of alc content
EX: 100-proof = 50% alc
where in the body is absorption the highest?
small intestine
- goest straight to blood
- dependent on food present (fat, meat, milk slow it down)
how much is metabolized per hour?
one drink (12oz)
% of alc in beer, champagne, wine/sake, shochu, whiskey
beer 5%
wine/sake 15-16&
shochu 25-30%
whiskey 40%
what are the two top choices of alcohol in the US? as we age, which is more preferable?
wine & beer
- wine becomes more preferable as we age
where in the world is the highest alc consumption?
which is the higher alc consumption, low or high incomes?
high incomes
which race is more likely to drink? least likely?
whites more likely
asians less likely
which sex is more likely to drink under the influence?
is alc consumption more or less likely with a higher education? how about full-time vs part-time
more likely with more education and full-time employee
what are three economic cost of alc usage?
- increase healthcare spending
- decrease in worker productivity
- increase safety risks (premature deaths)
what are four components of alcoholism?
impaired / loss of control
physical dependence
wet culture vs dry culture, which is the US?
- alc integrated into daily life (meals)
- widely available & accessible
- disapprove of drunked bx
- no age limit
- Muslim countrie
- not common in everyday activities
- drunk bx is accepted
- more restricitions
what are three things women are more prone to for alcohol use?
increased sensitivity
increased addiction
increased rate of alc-related problems
why are women more prone to these things?
- smaller body size
- absorb sooner (more body fat)
- less metabolizing enzyme
which state has the highest drinking rate? lowest?
highest = wisconsin
lowest = alabama
how many countries have a drinking age 18 or above? how about 21?
- 12 countries 18+
- only 7 at 21
what are the four components in the drinking pyramid? which has the highest amount of people?
teetotaler (no alc)
moderate (highest)