Quiz 2 Flashcards
Following NPO guidelines assures gastric emptying has occurred?
Medication can be taken PO with up to 150 cc of water in the hour preceding anestheia induction?
Demerol will cause a hypertensive crisis if patient is on a MAO-I?
What medication is contraindicated in Acute intermittent porphyria?
-All barbiturates
Anesthesia procedures may proceed without consent in emergency situations?
True - this is called “Implied Consent”
A medico-legal document in permanent hospital record should contain?
- Date and time of interview
- Planned procedure
- Description of extraordinary circumstances
- Allergies, medication , Labs
- Disease processes/treatments
- ASA status
What is the standards for Nurse anesthesia Practice Standard 2?
Informed consent
What is the standards for nurse anesthesia practice standard 3?
Formulate a patient specific plan for anesthesia care
What pre-anesthesia machine checks should be standard before administering anesthetics? SOAP-M
S-suction O-oxygen A-airway P-positive pressure ventilation/laryngoscope M-monitors/medication
What are the three anesthetic options?
- General Anesthesia
- Regional Anesthesia
- Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC)
What are the 3 types of general anesthesia?
- inhalation
- intravenous (TIVA)
- Combination
What are some sites for regional anesthesia?
- Spinal/subarachnoid Block(SAB)/Intrathecal
- Epidural
- Blocks (Upper and lower extremities)
- –> Bier, Axillary
- –> Femoral Nerve, Ankle
What are the types of monitored anesthesia care (MAC)?
- Conscious sedation
- Deep sedation
What are the pre-op medication goals?
A-anxienty relief S-sedation A-analgesia A-Amnesia A-antisialagogue (control secretions) A-attenuate sympathetic nervous system response D-decrease anesthetic requirements P-prevent bronchospasm P-prophylaxis against allergy D-decrease PONV I-increase gastric fluid pH (Bicitra) D-decrease gastric fluid volume
GABA is the principle inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS?
How do benzodiazepines work on the receptor?
Enhance the affinity of the receptors for GABA
If you do surgery on someone without a signed consent, what could you be charged with? (Informed Consent in Anesth p 2)
With informed consent, are you required to inform the patient of every concievable risk of anesthesia? (Informed Consent in Anesth p 4)
No, that’s impossible. You should give them the most likely scenarios that could happen.
With informed consent, if a pt asks what their chances of a bad outcome due to anesthesia could be, what could you tell them? (Informed consent in Anesth p 5)
Recent studies show anesthesia related mortality rates are around 1:185,000 - 280,000
What should an informed consent for anesthesia contain (6 items) (Informed consent in Anesth p 2)
- Diagnosis
- Nature and purpose of treatment
- Risks and consequences of procedure
- Probability of success
- Alternative treatment
- Prognosis if treatment is not given
Will alcoholics require more or less anesthetic?
May require MORE anesthetics since they may have a tolerance built up to them. Although during Acute intoxication, pts may require less sedatives/analgesics
For persons taking beta blockers, which pressor might be better for them during surgery, Ephedrine or Norepi?
Ephedrine - because it will affect both HR and BP. Norepi will decrease HR while increasing BP
When planning an epidural or spinal, is it OK for the pt to recieve Heparin prior to the procedure?
NO. In fact, coags (PT, PTT, INR) should be reviewed prior to a spinal or epidural.
If someone is allergic to eggs, which anesthetic induction agent should you avoid?
If someone is allergic to lotions and cosmetics, which anesthesia induction drug should you avoid?
If someone has a reported allergy to anesthesia, which are the more likely suspects?
Inhalents and Succ
What is the medication used for Malignant Hypertension?
What people are at increased risk of Malignant Hypertension?
persons with neuromuscular problems or a family history of Malignant Hypertension
What should ALL women of childbearing age have done before a procedure?
Urine HCG - anesthetic agents can affect uterine blood flow and can be teratogenic
If a pt has skin breaking on their back where you were going to be placing an epidural, what should you do?
Don’t perform the epidural. You should not do any blocks or spinal procedures through skin breakdown or cellulitis
Is a Hgb/Hct required on all presurgical patients?
No. If they are healthy, they don’t require a current H&H and can get to a Hgb of 7 before they need transfusion.
What patients should not be allowed to have a lower hgb or hct during surgery?
Pt with a history of CAD
What 3 surgeries have the highest incidence of postoperative awareness?
- Trauma
- Open Heart Surgery
- Emergency C-Section
What is the structure of Midazolam that gives it stability in an aqueous solution and rapid metablolism?
The imidazole ring
How long does it take for Midazolam to take effect?
0.9 - 5.6 minutes, give time for dose to take effect before you redose
Midazolam is metabolized by CYP450 enzyme. What other common drugs are also metabolized there and what is the result of giving midazolam with these drugs?
Other drugs: Cimetidine, Erythromycin, Cal Channel Blockers, Antifungal drugs.
Giving together could result in unexpected CNS depression
What is the IV and IM doses of Midazolam? Onset? Peak? Duration?
Dosing - IV: 1-5mg
- IM: 2.5-5mg
Onset: 30-60 sec
Peak: 3-5 min
Duration: 15-80 min
Morphine dose
Fentanyl dose
Morphine 5-15mg IV
Fentanyl 25-100mcg IV
Antihistamines: Benadryl dosage
12.5 - 25mg PO or IV
Alpha 2 agonists: Clonidine dosage
0.1-0.3 mg PO or patch
Antiemetics dosage:
Droperidol 1.25mg IV
Dolasetron 12.5mg IV
Ondansetron 4mg IV
Anticholinergics dosage:
Glycopyrolate (Robinul)
Glycopyrolate 0.1mg IV
Atropine 0.3-0.6mg IV
H2 antagonists dosage:
Cimetidine 200-300mg PO
Ranitidine 100mg PO
Famotidine 20-40mg PO
Proton Pump Inhibitors dose:
Omeprazole (Prilosec) 20mg PO
Pantoprazole (Protonix) 40mg IV
GI Stimulants dose:
Metoclopramide (Reglan)
Reglan 10mg PO or IV
Not getting an informed consent before surgery would be an example of what?
Breach of Duty
What are Mendelson’s Criteria (3 items) for severity of aspiration?
> 25 ml
pH < 2.5
Particulate vs clear