quiz 2 Flashcards
describe airflow
- generated via lungs
- pressure sensitive consonants
- greatest on voiceless consonants via lack of impedance from vf vibration
- increased in press via articulators
describe voice
- generated via vf vibration
- modified as travels via vt
- voiced consonants and vowels
describe the resonance & airflow chart
- vf vibrations -> sound -> resonance -> vowels & cons
- open glottis -> airflow -> increased air press -> press cons
describe normal resonance pt 1
- amplifies & dampens signals
- vowels -> resonance
- conso -> no res
- sonorants -> have resonance & anti-resonants
- can sing it? resonance
describe the source filter theory
vocal cords -> source
vt = filter
enhancement of formant frequencies change sound qual = resonance
describe regular resonance vs resonance for speech
- resonance -> system vibration, varying amplitude
- resonance 4 speech -> modified phoned sound, varying frequencies, articulators & cavities
describe the container to formant ratio
- container 2 (oral cav) -> formant 2
container 1 (pharynx) -> formant 1
what determines resonance for speech?
-velopharyngeal valve
- size n shape of resonating cavs (pharyn, oral, nasal)
describe the Bernoulli principle
- increase of fluid velocity = decrease in pressure
describe the size & shape of cavities
shorter/ smaller cavities -> higher formants
longer/larger cavities -> lower formants
describe vowel production
- produce by oral cavity changes
- high vowels = more nasal
- high tongue position = increase in transpalatal transmiss & decrease in oral transmiss
describe resonance disorders
- abnormal transmiss of sound energy
- via resonatory cavities
- 4 types
describe hypernasality
- 2 much sound in nose during oral sounds
- abnormal coupling
- vowel heavy
- low volume via absorption in pharyn/nose
describe severe hypernasality
voiced plosive -> nasalized -> become nasal cognates (m/b, n/d, ing/g)
describe obligatory errors
- artic placement = normal
- distortion -> abnormal structure
- Tx -> correct surgery, no speech
i.e - hypernasal/VP insuffic
i.e - nasalized cons
describe compensatory errors
- artic placement = abnormal
- TX -> correct structure + speech
i.e - substitution of /n/ for oral sound|leak in VP valve | inadequate airflow
what causes hyper nasality ?
- VP opening
- thin velum via sub mucous cleft
- large oronasal (palatal) fistula
- Nasal artic on specific oral sounds via mislearning
describe hyponasality & denasality
- reduction in nasal res on nasal sounds
- sounds “stuffed up”
- no nasal res during speech at all
i.e - nasal cons sound like oral cogs (m/b, n/d, ing/g OR stops)
what causes hypo & denasality
- blockage in nose &/or pharynx
- allergic rhinitis, common cold, adenoid hypertrophy, shallow pharynx, hypertrophic tonsils
what does hypo & denasality commonly occur with?
- cleft lip/palate
- deviated septum (unilateral cleft)
- Choanal stenosis or atresia
- stenotic naris
- maxillary retrusion
- overcorrection of VPI surgery
describe cul-de-sac resonance
- sound blocked from exiting, cannot escape
- absorbed by soft tissues
- muffled, low vol
- “muppet voice”
whats oral CDS Resonance ?
causes -> mumbling, microsomia = small mouth opening
whats nasal CDS resonance ?
- VPI & anterior nasal blockage -> most noticeable
-common with cleft lip/palate + VPI + nares stenosis block
whats pharyngeal CDS resonance ?
- sound in oropharynx
- palatal tonsils enlarged