Quiz 2 Flashcards
1982 constitution
New constitution made by Deng after he abolished the previous 1975 constitution in 1978
constitutional amendment to article 15
In 1993 amendment to article 15: socialist market economy
“The state shall practice a socialist market economy” oxymoron, signal left, turn right in truth embracing American capitalism
social origin vs. social role
Removal of class label: political investigation based upon social role rather than social origin
direct elections in grass-roots democracy
Direct elections are held in the village level’s executive organ (i.e. Head of Village) and in the legislative organ at both township and village levels (i.e. Township/Village People’s Congress)
criteria of recruitment
Three layers:
“Younger, better educated, specialized, and revolutionized”
Revolutionized meaning reform supporter, Marxist believer, upholding Four Insistences/Four Basic Principles (insistence on socialist road, Marxism/Leninism/Maoism, proletarian dictatorship, and leadership of CCP)
methods of recruitment
The Appointment system
Plus three supplementary methods:
Examination (since 1994)
mandatory planning system and fixed price system
Category 1 products governed by the mandatory planning system are still sold at fixed prices by the state
State directs production planning by giving orders/quotas for production and all of these products are sold at a fixed price
Includes basic food items and energy
guided planning system and floating price system
Category II products under the guidance planning system are sold at floating prices that normally could range within 20% of the fixed prices
Uses economic leverage (subsidies, low interest loans, tex breaks) to encourage production
Mao’s Three Worlds Theory
Mao’s theory is related to Lenin’s “world revolution”(the “world system” theory and the “dependency theory” concerning conflicts between core vs. periphery, or between north vs. south)
Imperialist powers of the Capitalist 1st World and Soviet (Communist) 2nd World compete for domination over the Third World (China being the leader of the Third World)
China’s trade surplus with the United State in 2017
More trading companies with more responsibilities (for their own profits and losses) and more incentives (retaining a portion of the foreign exchange they earned through trade) lead to China becoming the U.S.’s largest trading partner with a trade surplus of 376 billion in 2017
Special Economic Zone with Shenzhen as locomotive
Government invests in infrastructures and provide cheap (and high quality_ labor forces and tax breaks to make areas attractive to foreign businesses to introduce foreign technology
three pre-conditions of civil society
individualism (vs. collectivism)
market economy (vs. command economy)
pluralism (vs. monism)
four theories of collective action
J-curve theory: resentment against CCP, inflation and corruption
Theory of discontent: expectation goes up, people feel more discontent/dissatisfied
Theory of rising expectation: people’s expectations increase regardless of reality
Theory of relative deprivation: people don’t look at improvement from past but at gap between expectation and reality
four types of government-military relationship
Civilian: military professionalism, military apolitical, headed by civilian
Praetorian: nominally civilian gov that faces constant threat from powerful military who remains formally out of government
Military: headed by military leadership
Revolutionary: under the leadership of revolutionary party after a regime change, army under control of party
Central Military Commission
Under bureaucratic principle of “one institution with two names (or brands)” both PRC/CCP Central Military Commissions are exactly identical in terms of personnel, organizations, and functions, with the former just being nominally existent for political/legal and international/aesthetical reasons
China’s military budget in 2020
$178.6 billion (6.6% increase from 2019 budget) making China’s military budget second largest in world behind US
ideological diplomacy vs. economic diplomacy
Ideological Diplomacy: before Sino-USSR Split in 1969 guided by western “three-world” theory, after 1969 guided by Mao’s “three-world” theory
Economic Diplomacy: under guidance of four principles, peaceful coexistence, economic cooperation, pragmatism, nationalism
four principles of post-Mao diplomacy
peaceful coexistence: amend troubled relationships for economic engagement
economic cooperation: seek economic relationships with other countries
pragmatism: no longer ideological
nationalism: no formal alliances with superpowers and territoriality
Age of Sympathy
Opium Wars (origins of Chinese nationalism, dream of being “middle kingdom” shattered) during Opium Wars of 1839-1842.
Age of Contempt
Boxer Rebellion, an anti-foreign, anti-imperialist peasant-based rebellion in northern China
Age of Benevolence
1931-1941 Pearl Buck and her “Good Earth” born in West Virginia and raised in Jiangsu Buck won Pulitzer Prize in 1932 and became the first American woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1938
Age of Admiration
Pearl Harbor
World War II
Sino-Japanese War
Age of Confusion
1945-1949 Civil War between Nationalists and Communists
Age of Hostility
1949-1969 Chinese Communist Revolution
Korea and Vietnam Wars
Geneva Meeting in 1954
Warsaw Meeting in 1955
U.S. containment policy America perceived China as having been lost to the evil Soviet empire
Formation of East Asian Island Chain, security treaties signed with Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and creation of SEATo 1954 America contains China