Quiz 2 Flashcards
The turndown of differential pressure flow meters is the ratio of the
maximum flow to the minimum flow they can measure
The orifice flow meters use the Bernoulli’s equation to calculate the fluid flow
rate by using ________________ between an obstruction in the flow.
pressure difference
The value of expension factor Y, for incompressible fluids is __________.
Different styles of Coriolis Flow Meters operates on the same principle.
Which one of the following flow meters are not dependable on the particles
in the fluid?
Transit Time Difference Ultrasonic flowmeters
Which one of the following meters measure the frequency of twisters to
determine flow velocity?
Vortex Flow Meter
Which one of the following types of flow occurs, if the value of Reynolds
Number is 230.
laminar flow
Which one of the following is NOT a mass flow rate measurement unit?
gallon / second
The mass and volume flow rate equations depends on the density of the fluid.
Ultrasonic waves travel in the same manner as light or microwave, however
they can propagates through __________.
any substance
While calculating the size of a flow meter, the value of reference termperature
is usually assumed to be _______ oC.
Which one of the following is an imperial standard unit for volume flow rate
Relative density for a gas is defined as a dimension value that expresses the
ratio of the density of the flowing fluid to the density of a reference gas as the
same temperature and pressure reference conditions.
Which one of the following flowmeters must have turbulent type of flow?
votex shedding flowmeters
Which one of the following devices is a cylindrical length of pipe with
reducing diameter which causes a restriction in the flow, followed by an
increasing diameter to produce a gradual pressure recovery?
How many different styles of coriolis flow meters are used to measure the