Quiz 2 Flashcards
What is SPOO?
Southampton Pilotage Operational Orders
What law makes Pilotage compulsory?
1987 Pilotage Act
Name as many VHF chanels as you can, used within Southampton VTS areas?
Where can you find a list of authorised tugs for use in Southampton?
NtM 2 of 2024
What is a young flood stand?
The ‘Young Flood Stand’ occurs two hours after Low Water and is particularly pronounced over Spring Tides, although this is evident only from the shape of the curve on tide gauge records. During the period of Spring tides following Low Water there is a pronounced rise in tides; and two hours after Low Water the stream slackens off quite considerably for a further two hours before the final accelerated rise to High Water, which takes a further three hours. This slackening effect two hours after Low Water is known as the ‘Young Flood Stand’.
List ABP owned Pilot launches / workboats / etc.
Merlin (Survey)
Spartina (Workboat)
Explain the reason for Southampton’s unique tidal curve
To try to understand the reasoning behind the description ‘Double High Water’ one has to look first at the tidal flow throughout the English Channel. When it is High Water at Dover it is Low Water at Land’s End and vice versa. Imagine the English Channel as a rectangular tank 300 nautical miles in length and having a uniform depth of 36 fathoms pivoted at its mid-length. If inclined in either direction the water flows towards the lower end, thus giving the effect of High and Low Water at opposite ends. At the point of pivot, however, the level remains constant. Of course the English Channel does not tip, but external forces created by the position of the moon and sun relative to the Earth create the same effect, originating from the Atlantic Pulse which keeps the English Channel alternating between High and Low Water with the time of High Water at one end coinciding approximately with the time of Low Water at the other. This effect is called an oscillation and occurs twice daily. If the actual physical features conformed to this ideal pattern there would be no tidal rise or fall at mid-length, but though the tides at each end of the Channel do conform approximately to this pattern; the friction, irregular depths and restriction in width of the Channel between the Isle of Wight and the Cherbourg Peninsula result in a further four oscillations daily within an area bounded by Portland, Cherbourg, Littlehampton and Le Havre.
Combined with the natural twice daily oscillation, this produces the ‘Double High Water’ curve as experienced in the Port of Southampton. In the shallower waters within the Isle of Wight and the Port of Southampton up to thirty further oscillations of varying magnitude again vary the ‘Double High Water‘ curve to produce the ultimate Southampton tidal curve embodying the local tidal features, namely, the short duration of the ebb tide, the ‘Young Flood Stand’ and the pronounced fall between first and second High Water stands.
Name 4 bridges in VTS area
Itchen Bridge
Northam Bridge
Cadland Bridge
Itchen Railway Bridge
Name local tug companies?
Serco (Portsmouth)
Itchen Marine
Boluda (subcontracts to Sviter)
In the event of an emergency what information can be passed onto the media if the contact VTS?
Action card 21
Transfer call to AHM
Nothing not publicly available
Where is the watercraft area in Southampton?
Eling Waterski
Calshot Swim
What is speed limit in Southampton port
What is Cowes triangle and what is its purpose?
Cowes SHA
What number chart covers the Solent and Southampton Water?
Chart 2036
Where is middle swinging ground?
South of 101
Why are vessels not advised to anchor in Nab anchorages 3, 7, 10 and 12?
Where can you find information on berth requirements such as towage and tidal restrictions, size, limitations, etc.?
What does SGL stand for and what other name does the terminal have?
Solent Gateway Ltd.
SMC (Sea Mountain Centre)
RLC (Royal Logisitics Corps)
Where is 203 Berth?
Post Office Corner
Which Esso berth is usually for VLCCs?
How many berth at ESSO?