No 06 of 2024 Port of Southampton – Precautionary Area (Thorn Channel) Flashcards
The Port of Southampton shall ensure that a vessel greater than ______ metres in length overall shall be given a ‘clear channel’ in the area between the Hook Buoy and the Prince Consort Buoy
The Port of Southampton shall ensure that a vessel greater than 220 metres in length overall shall be given a ‘clear channel’ in the area between the Hook Buoy and the Prince Consort Buoy
The term ‘clear channel vessel’ is defined as:
‘a vessel greater than 220 metres in length overall which requires a clear and unimpeded passage ahead when transiting the Precautionary Area’.
Two vessels each having a length greater than ______ metres length overall shall not pass or overtake each other between Hook Buoy and a line drawn due south of West
Bramble Buoy
Two vessels each having a length greater than 180 metres length overall shall not pass or overtake each other between Hook Buoy and a line drawn due south of West
Bramble Buoy
What is the Moving Prohibited Zone (MPZ)
The MPZ is defined as an area extending…
1000 metres ahead of the bow and
100 metres from the ship’s side on both sides
of any vessel of over 150 metres in length overall
How far ahead of a vessel does the MPZ extend?
How far astern of a vessel does the MPZ extend?
it doesn’t
How far to the side of a vessel does the MPZ extend?
What day shape indicates the presence of the MPZ on a vessel of over 150 metres length overall
a black cylinder
What lights indicate the presence of the MPZ on a vessel of over 150 metres length overall
3 all round red lights in a vertical line
Mariners are advised that under normal circumstances there will not be more than one vessel over ___________ in length navigating in the precautionary area at any time (inbound or outbound)
Mariners are advised that under normal circumstances there will not be more than one vessel over 220m in length navigating in the precautionary area at any time (inbound or outbound)
Smaller vessels, of less than ____________ in length, may be encountered travelling in both directions at any one time, and they may also be encountered in quick succession, travelling in either direction.
Smaller vessels, of less than 180m in length, may be encountered travelling in both directions at any one time, and they may also be encountered in quick succession, travelling in either direction.
What lights will SP show when escorting?
in addition to the normal steaming lights, an all round blue light.
What size vessels will SP escort through the precautionary area?
150m (actually 180m in practice according to the guys on SP, 150m according to NtM 6/2024)
At which reporting point would you ask a clear channel vessel if they want a countdown?
Forts Reporting Point
Who gives the countdown?
Duty AHM
What channel does the countdown get given on?
VHF 103A