Quiz 2 Flashcards
What are the main components of municipal solid wastes?
1- paper and paper board 23%
2- food waste 21%
3- plastics 12%
Define an active site
Are actively being processed to non-haz
Inactive sites
Waste that was generated years ago and or illegally that have never been processed, pre-regulations
What acts deal with active sites?
Which acts deal with both inactive and active sites?
What is RCRA?
Resources Conservation and Recovery Act
intent : to track Hazardous Wastes from the cradle to grave
-Define haz waste
-Set tech standards and rules for issuing permits for treatment, storage and disposal
-Defined an LGQ(large quantity generator)
Defines Haz waste
Haz waste characteristics
Flammable lightable based on flash point
What is a UST?
Underground Storage Tank
What is NPL?
National Priorities List
What is a PRP?
Potential Responsible Parties
What is HSWA?
Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments
Protects HHE in regards to contamination of ground water by disposal of active solid and haz waste
Regulated new classes of facilities
-underground storage tanks
-small business generators
-Standards to limit the concentration of specific pollutants before disposal; of wastes on land
-creation of Land disposal restriction program (LDR)
- establishing of permitting deadlines for haz waste facilities
What is CERCLA?
Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act
“Superfund cleanup”
Intent: Protect human health and the envt in regard to inactive haz waste
-Identification of sites
-Create and maintain the national priorities lists (NPL)
-EPA authority to identify PRPs and force to clean up
What is SARA?
Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act
( community right to know )
Protect human health and the envt in regard to the community right to know their exposure to haz waste
-emiiters create a TRI and have it available to the public
-maintain and make available data about harmful chemicals used and stored and industrial sites
Report annual emissions of such chemicals- Toxic Release Inventory(TSI)
What is FIFRA?
Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act
To federally give pesticide registration, distribution, sale, and use in the US
EPA assumed responsibility from USDA in 1970
-Requires registration of pesticides by Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP)
During registration; the agency is responsible
- Ensures pesticides don’t pose adverse effects
What is TRI?
Toxic Inventory release
What is TSCA?
Toxic Substances and Control Act
Protect HHE in regard to toxic substances
characterize and understand the risks that a chemical poses before it is introduced into commercial use.
EPA must balance benefits against risks in regulatory decisions
-gives EPA authority to collect data on chemical substances
-requieres industry to test chemicals for harmful effects- EPA assesses whether there is an “ unreasonable risk of injury to human”
(give PMN)
-EPA has the authority to regulate new chemicals (the manufacture, distribution, commerce, and disposal of chemical substances)
Catch-all act- also includes (Asbestos)