Quiz 2 Flashcards
The elevation angle of the sun from the ground.
The process of assessing a location’s physical, mental, and social qualities to design an architectural solution that addresses and enhances both the internal and external context.
Site Analysis
It is comprised not just of daylight apertures, such as skylights and windows, but is coupled with a daylight-responsive lighting control system. This system can reduce electric lighting power when adequate ambient lighting is provided from daylight alone.
Daylighting Systems
The angle measured from the vertical to the elevation angle.
In architecture, any fenestrated (windowed) wall of a room is carried higher than the surrounding roofs to light the interior space.
Clerestory window
These are relatively small areas that differ from their surrounding regions. In addition to temperature and precipitation, these are affected by winds, vegetation, soil, latitude, season, humidity, pressure, evaporation, and even shade-giving objects.
Refers to the human-made surroundings that provide the setting for human activity, ranging in scale from buildings and parks or green space to neighborhoods and cities that can often include their supporting infrastructures, such as water supply energy networks
Built environment
It is a measure of how much solar heat is absorbed and transmitted through the glass.
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
The fraction of the above-grade wall area that is covered by fenestration is calculated as the ratio of the wall fenestration area to the gross above-grade wall area.
Window-to-wall ratio
They are barriers of trees, shrubs, and grass that help lessen and redirect wind velocity.
The relief of an area. An area that is close to a body of water tends to make milder climates.
A space open to the sky over several floors inside the volume of a building. It is designed to provide light and ventilation to adjacent interior spaces (Harris, 2006).
The planning of a piece of land to meet an efficient development program expresses the site’s character and provides appealing places to use.
Site Planning
The type of solar shading that could reduce solar gain by 90-95% and is best located in the West or East.
Vertical louvers
The solar angular position from the North (clockwise)solar.
This is related to higher summer temperatures in urban areas than in their rural surroundings.
Urban Heat Island Effect
The type of solar shading that could reduce solar gain by 75% and is best located in the South
Horizontal solar shading
It is an architectural feature of a building that reduces heat gain within that building by deflecting sunlight
Brise Soleil
The art and science of arranging the structures on the land and shaping the spaces between, an art of arranging uses of land linked to architecture, engineering, landscape architecture, and city planning.
Site planning
According to Ander (2016), it is the controlled admission of natural light, direct sunlight, and diffused skylight into a building to reduce electric lighting and save energy.
Whether natural or man-made, its characteristics of reflectance, permeability, and soil temperature influence the microclimate.
Ground surface
The general term for the plant life of a region; refers to the ground cover provided by plants, and is, by far, the most abundant biotic element of the biosphere.
An open, interior, sky-lit court is usually located at the center of a building and often surrounded by multiple stories. Usually featuring galleries, balconies, or arcades frequently enclosed by a glass roof
A roof opening covered with translucent or transparent glass or plastic designed to admit daylight.
The type of solar shading that could reduce solar gain by 60-75% and is best located in the South-West or South-East.