quiz 2 Flashcards
Question: What does Virtus Romana represent?
Answer: Virtus Romana represents manliness, the ideal man in Roman culture. Gladiators are considered representatives of virtus, and it is a crucial concept for the Romans.
Question: Why was Hercules worshipped in Rome?
Answer: Hercules was worshipped in Rome for his strength.
Question: Name three types of national gladiators
Answer: Thraex (Thracian), Gallus (Galle), and Samnite are all examples of national gladiators. It is important to note that these gladiators are all Romans.
Question: Why were there no Roman gladiators?
Answer: Romans avoided having Roman gladiators because it would be bad press if a Roman lost to a foreigner. The use of foreign gladiators was more entertaining for the audience.
Question: What is the concept of mercy in gladiatorial combat?
Answer: The concept of mercy, known as Missio, involves fighting until someone submits or dies, depending on the circumstances.
Question: What is the ultimate goal of gladiatorial games?
Answer: The ultimate goal of gladiatorial games is entertainment. This includes allowing breaks to avoid tired fighters and mixing pairings to ensure a variety of matchups.
Question: What is Infamia in the context of gladiators?
Answer: Infamia is a concept of pollution or social stigma that follows gladiators, making it undesirable for people to associate with them.
Question: What role did gladiators play in Roman politics
Answer: Gladiators were used as tools for political gains, bought, reused, and even employed as bodyguards or followers by individuals seeking political influence.
Question: How did emperors gain popularity through the games?
Answer: Emperors gained popularity by providing food during shows, using sparsiones (perfumed mist), and increasing the extravagance of the games. Gambling on winners also increased emotional involvement.
Question: What were the distinguishing factors between good and bad gladiatorial shows?
Answer: Good shows included innovation, quality fights, gifts for the crowd, a clear link to euergetism, strong animals, and an interested editor. Bad shows involved weak/starved animals, low-quality/mismatched gladiators, and an uninterested editor.
Question: What was the significance of the Spartacus revolt?
Answer: The Spartacus revolt was the last major slave rebellion, the largest in scale, and it contributed to the popular imagination about gladiators.
It symbolizes the rebellion against Roman empire, became a symbol of freedom.
It also highlighted the threat of owning too many gladiators.
Question: Why would some free people choose to be gladiators?
Answer: Some free people chose to be gladiators for the allure of glory, fame, and money that came with being skilled in the arena.
Question: What is Augustalia?
Answer: Augustalia is a foot race for young (unmarried) girls in Roman culture, reflecting the participation of elite women in sports and games.
Question: What role did the Lex Tullia play in Roman politics?
Answer: The Lex Tullia, introduced by Cicero as a consul, aimed to prevent political bribery by prohibiting games two years before election time.
Question: In the late republic, what political opportunities did munera provide?
Answer: Munera in the late republic offered political opportunities for individuals to gain votes and achieve their political goals.