QUIZ 2 Flashcards
Why do we conserve species?
-reasonably discrete entities
-nobody owns them
-other aspects of biological diversity can be too complex
Why do CONSERVATION GROUPS make/ use endangered species lists?
-for publicity and public awareness
-to identify causes for concern
why do GOVERNMENTS make/use endangered species list?
-to demonstrate action and concern
-to incorporate into laws and regulations
why do WILDLIFE MANAGERS make/use species list?
as guides for spending and deployment of resources
What is the IUCN Red list of threatened species?
the most comprehensive information source on the global conservation status of animal and plant species
the IUCN red list provides
taxonomic, conservation status, and distribution information on plants and animals
IUCN RED list members are evaluated via
the IUCN red list categories and criteria
main purpose of IUCN Red list
to catalogue and highlight plants and animals facing a higher risk of global extinction (i.e. those listed as critically endangered, endangered, and vulnerable)
Extinct (EX)
no known individuals remaining
extinct in the wild (EW)
known only to survive in captivity, or as a naturalized population outside its historic range
critically endangered (CR)
extremely high risk of extinction in the wild
endangered (EN)
high risk of extinction in the wild
vulnerable (VU)
high risk of endangerment in the wild
near threatened (NT)
likely to become endangered in the near future
least concern (LC)
lowest risk. does not qualify for a more at-risk category, widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category
data deficient (DD)
not enough data to make an assessment of its risk of extinction
How many species are there on the IUCN Red list?
~147, 500 species, more than 41,000 are threatened with extinction ( 28% of assessed species)
what is the Canadian endangered species list?
a legal list of endangered species is mandated under the species at risk act ( SARA, 2003)
The Canadian endangered species list is designed to…
meet one of Canada’s key commitments under the convention on biological diversity
the Canadian endangered species list is based off which pre-existing list ?
the cosewic list
COSEWIC stands for…
cosewic was created when?