Quiz 2 Flashcards
total amount of income from sales
alt term for revenue
top line / total sales
alt term for income
profit / earnings
total left after expenses
direct loss
loss resulting from physical damage to property
indirect loss (consequential)
loss as a result of direct loss (consequential)
risk transfer
risk mgmt technique that passes risk to another party
business income (interruption) insurance
protects against loss of income due to suspension of ops by physical damage only
objective of risk management
ensuring losses do not prevent the business from operating effectively or maximizing wealth of owners
alt term for direct loss
damage, physical
alt term for business income insurance
business interruption insurance
is physical damage required for business income insurance to come into effect
3 definitions of risk
possibility of financial loss
possibility of an undesired outcome
loss control
risk management technique that seeks to reduce the possibility that a loss will occur and reduce the severity of those that do occur
financial goal of a business
maximize the wealth of the owners
type of risk management technique utilized when insurance is purchased
risk transfer
do companies share information about insured people
yes, insurance score because of SSN
what is BOP
business owners policy
business property and business liability insurance into one business insurance policy
4 common oversights business owners make per Bob
not getting coverages day 1 of business
homeowners policy does not cover business use
not purchasing general liability ins in 1st year
not using cyber liability ins for online data
should you be honest about your business with your insurance agent
yes, totally
does being dishonest cost you in the long run
yes, can result in failed claims, denial of ins, or higher rates
will a business pay higher premiums without general liability insurance in its first year of operations
yes, will carry penalties
does cyber liability insurance cover the cost of fixing problems that lead to the data breach at the company
does cyber liability insurance cover business interruption