Quiz 17 - Review of Chapter 8 Flashcards
Which branch of government interprets the law?
Which branch of government enforces the law?
Which branch of government makes the law?
What was our nation’s first capital?
New York City
What was the first major battle in the War for Independence?
Battle of Bunker HIll
Who was the first Vice President and second President of the United States?
John Adams
Who said “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” ?
Nathan Hale
Who was the black slave that served in the colonial army as a spy?
James Armistead
Who was the Virginian that said, “Give me liberty. or give me death!” ?
Patrick Henry
Who was the commander of all British forces in North America during the French and Indian War?
General Edward Braddock
What lists the rights or freedoms the Constitution gives to Americans; written in the form of ten amendments?
Bill of Rights
What was the document written by Jefferson declaring the independence of the colonies from England?
Declaration of Independence
What is the plan of government our country still follows today?
Constitution of the U.S.
What gives Americans the following freedoms: religion, speech, press, and assembly?
First Amendment
What was the document signed by England giving up the American colonies and making them officially free and independent?
Treaty of Paris
When does the President take his oath of office?
Inauguration Day
Who wanted America to be free from Britain’s control?
Name the form of government in which the people and their elected representatives are limited by a constitution.
constitutional republic
The decision to organize the Continental Army was made where in 1775?
Second Continental Congress
Washington’s army spent the harsh winter of 1777-1778 at what fort?
Valley Forge