Quiz 14 Flashcards
In which book of the Bible will you find the story of Samson and Delilah?
In physics, what name is given to the fourth state of matter, which displays distinct properties that are quite different from those of solids, liquids and gases?
Because of an association with a particular piece of Handel’s music, the main character Pip in Dickens’ Great Expectations is given the name Handel by his friend Herbert Pocket. Which piece of music is it?
The Harmonious Blacksmith
The peculiarly named thoroughfare Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate is to be found in which English city?
Which two politicians’ names were combined in the work Butskellism, a term denoting a pragmatic agreement over a policy between two opposing parties?
Butler and Gaitskell
“Woke up one morning half asleep, with all my blankets in a heap” are the opening words of which pop song, the first ever to be played on Radio One?
Flowers in the Rain - The Move
What’s the name of the soldier with whom Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina falls in love, their affair tragically ending in her death?
Count Vronsky
Which term for a megalith is derived from the Welsh words for Long Stone?
In physics, which term is used to describe a particular temperature and pressure at which three different phases of one substance - normally solid, liquid and gas - can co-exist?
Triple point
The Marquis de Sillery has been credited with being the first man to ship which drink to London, some time in the 17th century?
Decaying uranium finally becomes an isotope of which metal?
Which English racecourse at one time alternated with Silverstone as the venue for the British motor racing Grand Prix?
Legend has it that the weather on St Swithin’s Day determines the weather for the next forty days. On which date does St Swithin’s Day fall?
July 15th
Edith Cavell, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Raoul Wallenberg, Martin Luther King Jr, Robert Kennedy, Dame Cicely Saunders and Aung San Suu Kyi are the eight subjects of Courage: Eight Portraits, a book published in 2007 by which politician?
Gordon Brown
Two of the best remembered poets of the First World War, Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen, met in 1917 whilst being treated for shell shock at which hospital in Edinburgh?
In physics, the term Magic Numbers refers to the numbers of protons or neutrons generally present in a stable nucleus. What are the first two magic numbers?
2, 8