Quiz 11 Flashcards
Wendell has bone cancer and must use a wheel chair to accomplish his daily activities. He feels healthy and energetic and spends his days in a clown costume at the local children’s hospital. Which of the following is true for Windell? A) He is not disabled and has a low level of vitality, B) He is disabled and has a low level of vitality, C) He is disabled and has a high level of vitality, D) He is not disabled and has a high level of vitality
In general, post-menopausal women may reduce the severity of menopause if they: A) eat a healthful diet high in calcium, B) exercise, C) avoid smoking, D) all of the above
The average age of menopause is about _______ years
Hormone replacement therapy involves taking:
estrogen, and or progestins
The term “male menopause” is sometimes referred to as:
the age-related reduction in testosterone.
A researcher is compiling data on the incidence of all types of diseases. This data reflects:
The term corresponding to death rate is:
The flynn effect refers to the:
Rise in average IQ over the generations
Which is the best example of fluid intelligence? A) knowing the names of the British monarchs in chronological order, B) the ability to quickly recognize relationships between words, C) extensive knowledge of computer programming
Which of Sternbergs three forms of intelligence is sometimes called “street smarts”?
With which coping style do people try to attack a stressor in some way?
One of the effects of moderate drinking is: A) a reduction in coronary heart disease, B) increased risk of breast cancer, C) increased risk of liver disease
Middle aged men and women in committed, monogamous relationships are most likely to be ________ with their sex lives
Which factor is not part of the hypothesis about why lower SES is associated with poor health habits? A) the poor are less aware of their health issues, B) poorer individuals live in polluted areas, C) poor health habits are adopted to deal with stress, D) the poor experience less stress
Jim, who was 60, couldn’t understand why he kept slowly gaining weight. He wan’t eating any more than usual, and he maintained his regular exercise routine. What explains his weight gain?
His metabolism slowed down by a third between emerging and late adulthood
When developmentalist use the term “expert”, they usually men and person who:
is significantly better than others at performing a certain task
Which example relies most heavily upon crystalized intelligence? A) solving crossword puzzles, B) knowing the chemical symbols for various elements, C) writing a poem about owls.