Quiz 1 Vocab Flashcards
Social Fact
Products of human interaction with persuasive power that exist externally to any individual
ex: shaking hands
Social Structure
The social framework in which we live (contains 3 levels: macro, meso, micro)
Institutions, cultural beliefs, big patterns
Small scale interactions (one-on-one interactions), the self
Idea that people make their own decisions
Sociological Imagination
The capacity to consider how people’s lives (including our own) are shaped by social facts that surround us
Personal Troubles
A problem affecting individuals where the blame is on the individual’s own personal & moral failings
-personal troubles are best understood when thinking of it as a public issue
Public Issues
Social problems affecting many individuals - an impact on society as a whole
-public issues can help account for problems that individuals experience
Reverse Logistics
The process of getting unwanted items back from consumers & figuring out what to do with them
Can be tested and shown to be false
Makes general explanations (theory)
Based on data
Attempts to be free from bias
Shared and challenged in the scientific community
Research Circle
Diagram of elements in the research process
a. General explanation/theory
b. Make predictions/hypotheses
c. Observations/data
d. Identifying patterns
Deductive Research
a. Starts with a theory
b. Make a hypothesis
c. Test it
Inductive Research
a. Make observations
b. Identify patterns
c. Build a theory
Quantitative Methods
Experiments, surveys, network anaylsis
a. Numerical data
b. Answers who/what
c. Used for deductive research
Qualitative Methods
Interviews, ethnography, content analysis
a. Non-numerical data
b. Answers why
c. Used for inductive research
Experiments (quant)
Experimental & control group are compared to determine the effect of one variable on an outcome
Surveys (quant)
Collects analyzable data through a questionnaire
Network analysis (quant)
Maps social ties (between groups & people) and exchanges between them
Interviews (qual)
Intimate conversation between researcher & research subject
Ethnography (qual)
Careful observation of naturally occurring social interaction
Content Analysis (qual)
Analyzes media for themes
Informed Consent
Participants need to understand what they are consenting to & must be aware/okay with what they will be required to do
Participants involvement in research should only be known to the researchers
Field Notes
Careful notes ethnographers observe that usually become evidence for their claims
Variation of things and people from place to place
Cultural Objects
Natural items that are given a symbolic meaning
Cultural Cognition
Shared ideas and values