Quiz 1 terms Flashcards
Repeated use of an initial consonant sound in 2 or more words in close proximity. Contributes to melody of writing. Gain attention, bind phrases together or have a musical effect.
Comparison of 2 ideas which are essentially different but alike in one significant way
Force that opposes main character in their attempt to a problem and resolve conflict
Struggle between 2 opposing forces, ideas, beliefs, which form the basis of the story’s plot. conflict is resolved when one force (protagonist) succeeds or fails in overcoming opposing force or gives up trying
Expression so often used it loses it freshness and effectiveness
Colloquial Expression
Words/expressions that become commonplace within a specific language, historical era or region
Emotive Word
Certain word choices are made to evoke an emotional response in the reader
First Person Point of View
Perspective of a character within a story describing events from their point of view. major or minor character. Have access to only their own thoughts and feelings
Mode of expression in which author says one thing and means opposite. Also applies to a situation, outcome or event that is opposite of what might be expected or considered appropriate. Verbal, situational and dramatic irony.
Limited omniscient point of view
Stands outside the story and speaks in third person. Can only see into the mind of one character, describing the thoughts and emotions of just that person, can be a major or minor character.
Describes something in a way that isn’t literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison
Frame of mind or state of feeling created by a piece of writing
first stage of writing gathering information and ideas
Usually main character, who faces a problem and while solving, becomes involved in a conflict with the opposing force.
Regular beat.