Quiz 1 Review Flashcards
what are some issues with bonding zirconia crowns?
- if you have to remove the bonded zirconia crown, you have to grind it down as if you were doing a prep on enamel
- you should only bond zirconia crowns if there are no other retentive features because they are just too difficult to retrieve
T or F:
bonded zirconia is too durable for many dental applications
what is a drawback to urethane dimethacrylate (triad putty)?
it is a viscous material and therefore doesn’t flow as much, meaning it will not get the same fine detail that bisacryl would
do pressed or milled restorations adapt better to preps?
what is the typical working distance for most operators?
14-16 inches
T or F:
since sit-down dentistry was pioneered, lower back disorder incidences have decreased
they have NOT decreased
what are some things that contribute to work related musculoskeletal disorders?
- static posture
- poor posture
- repetitive motion
- excessive forces
- grasping small instruments for long periods of time
does alternating between sitting and standing contribute to work related musculoskeletal disorders?
no, in other words it is helpful to alternate sitting and standing
T or F:
prevention of WRMDs involves diverging from the neutral seated position as little as possible
T or F:
prevention of WRMDs involves keeping instruments sharp and using them a lot
T or F:
prevention of WRMDs involves strengthening and maintaining core muscles
T or F:
prevention of WRMDs involves increasing appointment times for difficult procedures and/or difficult patients
what is the minimum occlusal clearance for a ceramic onlay?
where should the functional cusp shoulder be placed on a ceramic onlay?
middle third
what is the absolute minimum enamel requirement for a ceramic onlay?
some on the buccal and some on the lingual
what is the best application for ceramic onlays?
if you have small buccal/lingual cusps and you must remove most of the cusps during the prep, you should consider doing a ceramic onlay
what are 3 things that jeopardize long term success of all ceramic onlays?
- under-reduction
- sharp line angles
- poor bonding technique
what is the diameter of the tip of the flat-ended diamond?
0.3mm (also ideal shoulder width for all ceramic onlays)
what are the similarities between gold/metallic onlays and all-ceramic onlays?
- pretty much just the box and isthmus form
- differences: occlusal reduction (more for all-ceramic), axial reduction (more for gold/metallic), presence of a bevel (not needed for all-ceramic)
when doing a ceramic onlay, what do you have to ensure you do at the bonding appointment?
have really good moisture control
what are 3 contraindications for ceramic onlays?
- subgingival prep
- uncontrolled periodontal disease
- major salivators (consider using an anti-sialogogue)
can you put ceramic onlays on endodontically treated teeth?
can you put a ceramic onlay on a tooth with a cuspal fracture?
temporaries we make for all ceramic onlays have to be compatible with ___ and secured to the tooth with ___
- bis-GMA
- flowable and bonding agent
can both milled and pressed restorations be bonded or cemented?
whereas an onlay must be bonded
do pressed or milled restorations have more limitations in their esthetic potential?
pressed, because they are made from monochromatic pressable ingots
do milled or waxed-and-pressed restorations fit better?
- depends on how well the margin of the preparation is refined and captured
- burs used in milling restorations are not small enough to accommodate minor discrepancies, so if the margin is less than ideal, then waxed-and-pressed restorations will fit better
do pressed or milled ceramic restorations require a temporary?
only pressed, whereas milled ceramic restorations can allow bypass of the temporary phase
T or F:
securing an all-ceramic partial-coverage temporary is the same process as securing a temporary to a preparation designed for luting
is it always beneficial to bypass the temporary phase?
list the following in order of more vitreous to more crystalline: pressable ceramics, zirconia, feldspathic porcelain
- feldspathic porcelain
- pressable ceramics
- zirconia
glassy/vitreous vs crystalline:
which has better optical properties?
glassy/vitreous vs crystalline:
which has more strength?
glassy/vitreous vs crystalline:
which has less strength?
glassy/vitreous vs crystalline:
which has less resistance to crack propagation?
glassy/vitreous vs crystalline:
which has better mechanical properties?
glassy/vitreous vs crystalline:
which has more resistance to crack propataion?
glassy/vitreous vs crystalline:
which is more ordered in structure?
glassy/vitreous vs crystalline:
which is less ordered in structure?
glassy/vitreous vs crystalline:
which is more opaque?
glassy/vitreous vs crystalline:
which is more translucent?