Quiz 1 Questions Flashcards
shunt from the right subclavian artery to the pulmonary artery
a patient with cyanosis and decreased pulmonary vascular markings may have
a procedure to reduce pulmonary blood flow such as PA banding can be used for which diagnosis
a shunt of Qp/Qs greater than 1 indicates
left to right
a shunt that has a fixed direction of flow
T/F - interventional cardiology can close an ASD with a clamshell device in the cath lab
in fetal circulation, the majority of the oxygenated blood in the left atrium is from the
a systolic murmur can be heard in which of the following patients
- aortic stenosis
- pulmonary stenosis
Which of the following are true regarding increased pulmonary blood flow from an ASD
- cause irreversible damage to the lungs if not corrected
- may develop eisenmengers syndrome
- adults may require a heart/lung transplant
control of pulmonary and systemic vascular resistance is critical in complex lesions because
- decreased pulmonary blood flow may cause decreased arterial O2 saturation
- increased pulmonary blood flow may cause decreased arterial blood pressure
a 3.9 kg, 53 cm patient has a full flow of 633 mL/min. What size arterial cannula would be used
8 fr
flow rate for cardioplegia delivery
10 mL/kg or 5% of blood flow
mannitol dose
250 mg/kg
determinant for tubing, oxygenator, and cannula sizes
calculated flow rate based on BSA
how often to notify surgeons on cardioplegia delivery
- dr bradley - 20 min
- dr kavarana - 30 min
minimum arterial pressure for an infant
25-35 mmhg
target on bypass and termination HCT for single ventricle procedure such as norwood
bypass - 28%
termination - 35%
protamine dose calculation is based on
60% total loading dose + pump prime
fio2 prior to circulatory arrest should be
minimum cooling time and temperature gradient prior to circulatory arrest
- 20 min
- 10 degrees
FFP is added to prime of all patients under
bicaval venous cannula size 3.9 kg, 53 cm patient, full flow of 633 mL/min
12, 12
T/F: a modified BT shunt is used as a palliation for a child with a VSD
usual shunt direction is ASD
left to right
congenital defect associated with down syndrome
complete AV canal
VSD repair checks
- RA and PA oxygen saturations
L:R shunt ratio in VSD for indication of surgery
AV canal repair approach
most common type of ASD
Ostium secundum
why is ASD not repaired until 2-4 years of age
80% close spontaneously before 1.5 years of age
blood volume of patients with ASD/VSD/complete AV canal is ______ patients without CHD
greater than
av valves develop from
endocardial cusion
pulmonary hypertension develops earliest in patients with
complete AV canal
complications of an AV canal repair
- residual shunt
- conduction defect (AV block)
- mitral/tricuspid regurgitation
surgical repair at youngest age
AV canal