Quiz 1 Questions Flashcards
Which of the following would generally be considered source reduction?
-A: Equipment or technology modification
-B: Reformulation or redesign of products
-C: Substitution of less toxic raw materials
-D: Improvements in work practices, maintenance, worker training
-E: All of the above
-F: A,B,C
Which of the following would generally be considered administrative controls to reduce waste?
-A: Equipment or technology modifications
-B: Reformulation or redesign of products
-C: Substitution of less toxic raw materials
-D: Improvements in work practices, maintenance, worker training
-E: Better inventory control
-F: A,D
-G: D,E
Which of the following are considered treatment technologies?
-A: pH adjustment
-B: Precipitation
-C: incineration
-E: landfill disposal
-F: A,B,C,D
When conducting a P2 or waste minimization assessment a good source of information is?
-A: employees performing the task/process
-B: waste records
-C: purchasing records
-D: employee personnel records
-E: flow diagrams
-F: A,B
-G: A,B,C,E
Which of the following is generally considered a waste?
-A: air emission
-B: waste water discharge
-C: sludge
-D: product
-E: A,B,C
P2 feasibility analysis includes which of the following:
-A: technical evaluation
-B: economic evaluation
-C: recycling
-D: treatment
-E: A,C
-F: A,B
Examples of environmental risks management according to EPA are:
-A: wastewater discharge limits (NPDES permit)
-B: hazardous waste disposal facility (RCRA permit)
-C: remediation limits
-D: A,B
-E: A,B,C
A CAA permit renewal/revision must be issued by the NC DEQ prior to the construction of new emissions sources and pollution control devices? (permit cover letter). Note: classroom example (True/False)
A typical Title V air permit identifies emission sources and emissions limits? (True/False)
Emission Control Devices in the permit are identified by a unique Control Device Id Number? (True/False)
CAA Criteria Pollutants include:
-A: PM
-B: SO2
-C: HAPs
-D: TAPs
-E: A,B
Visible emissions in a typical air permit is a measure of ____ ?
-A: Opacity
-B: Emissions of tons Pb per year
-C: ug/ml
-D: mg/l
HAPs emission limits are established by the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Area Sources: Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers? (True/False)
Under what conditions can the opacity rate exceed the limit? Note: CAA permit discussed in class
-A: equipment or technology modifications
-B: plant start-up
-C: plant shut-down
-D: holidays
-E: B,C
The Permittee shall prepare, maintain, and follow a written Work Practice Implementation Plan that defines environmentally desirable work practices for each wood furniture manufacturing operation and addresses work practice standards including pollution prevention.
(Note: think of the question in the context of the air permit discussed in lecture)
A Title V CAA permit’s (as discussed in class) Work Practice Implementation Plan includes:
-A: Operator training
-B: Inspection and maintenance requirements
-C: Substitution of less toxic raw materials
-D: Chemical composition of cleaning and wash-off solvents
-E: Storage requirements
-F: Permit limits for SO2, O3, and HAPs
-G: A,B,D,E
-H: C,F
Inspections, preventative maintenance, and documented recordkeeping are essential regulatory requirements of the wood products facilities’ Title V air permit. (True/False
Element of an organization’s activities, products or services that can interact with the environment (cause)? hint: ISO 14001:2015
-A: Aspect
-B: Impact
-C: Pollution
-D: Equipment
Design considerations include raw materials need and manufacturing process. (True/False)
A hierarchical process map creates a visual representation of the work flow within a process or within an entire operation. (True/False)