Quiz 1 headache part 2 Flashcards
causes of SAH
-traumatic or spontaneous from berry aneurysm or arteriorvenous malformation
what normally has not onsent
berry aneurysm
symptoms of SAH
thunderclap, impaired consciousness and meningismus (neck pain)
what identifies the hemorrhage source?
cerebral arteriography
what finds the bleed
dye from the ct, this is the first step
-may not be on ct within first 24 hours then you would follow up in 2 weeks
-ct may also show midline shift
concerns of SAh
-rebleed and development of hydrocephalus
-sentinal bleed can rebleed which can be fatal
-cardiac arrythmia and pulmonary edema
csf in the ventricles builds up
sentinal bleed
minor bleed before a major episode
risk of giant cell arteritis
going blind due to the inflammation in the temporal artery
symptoms of temporal arteritis
-temporal artery pain, swelling, tender, red
-vision changes, fever, weight loss, anorexia, polymalgia rheumatica
diagnostics of temporal arteritis
ESR > 50 *not a definitive test just tells us there is inflammation
-tempral arterial biopsy to look for multinucleated cells and inflammation
temproal arteritis treatment
-take biopsy within 2 weeks of steroids
temporal arteritis demographics
-rare before 50
bacteria acute meningitis is?
severe with purulent CSF, fast progression and fatal
aseptic meningitis
milder, self-limited, viral, fungal, bacterial
what meningitis needs immediate isolation?
Neiserria meningitis
symtoms of meningitis?
fever, headache, nuchal ridgidity, chills, lethargy, co ma, photophobia, rash, seizure, hyptothermia, gray skin