Quiz 1 Definition of Terms Flashcards
the process of re-establishing vegetation using any kind of plant materials, such as, but not limited to, grasses, shrubs, vines, and/or trees, in a disturbed area where development/construction and utilization activities are temporarily suspended.
Temporary Revegetation
rehabilitation undertaken progressively or a staged approach to rehabilitation as mining operations are ongoing.
Progressive Rehabilitation
all surface areas where development/ construction and utilization activities are ongoing or have been conducted.
Disturbed Areas
the layer of the soil characterized by the presence of soil organic matter and usually darker in color than subsoil with an average depth of 0 to 0.15 meters.
all lands exclusively and actually possessed, occupied or utilized by Indigenous Cultural Communities by themselves or through their ancestors in accordance with their customs and traditions since time immemorial, and as may be defined and delineated by law.
Ancestral Lands
refers to a yearly environmental management work plan based on the approved environmental protection and enhancement strategy.
Annual Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program (AEPEP)
to all waters within the baseline of an archipelago except internal waters such as roadsteads, lakes and rivers.
Archipelagic Sea
portions of land within the municipality or barangay actually occupied as residential, commercial or industrial areas as embodied in a duly approved land use plan by the appropriate Sanggunian.
Built-up Areas
the applicant’s proof of its community relations which may consist, but is not limited to, sociocultural sensitivity, the character of its past relations with local communities, cultural appropriateness and social acceptability of its resource management strategies: Provided, That this shall not be required in cases where the applicant has no previous community-relations experience in resource use ventures, locally or internationally.
Community Relations Record
the wise use and optimum utilization of mineral resources.
water, sea bottom and substratum measured twenty-four (24) nautical miles seaward from the baseline of the Philippine Archipelago.
Contiguous Zone
a drainage area of a river system, lake or water reservoir supporting existing and proposed hydroelectric power, domestic water supply, geothermal power and irrigation works, which needs immediate rehabilitation and protection to minimize soil erosion, improve water yield and prevent possible flooding.
Critical Watershed
specific portions of land covered by an existing project of the Department such as, but not limited to, Industrial Forest Management Agreement (IFMA), Community Forest Management Agreement (CFMA), Community Forestry Program (CFP), Forest Land Management Agreement (FLMA) and Integrated Social Forestry Program (ISFP).
DENR Project Area
geographic-based instruments for planners and decision-makers, which presents a description of the environmental setting including the state of environmental quality and evaluation of the assimilative capacity of an area.
Ecological Profile or Eco-Profile
any wastewater, partially or completely treated, or any waste liquid flowing out of mining operations, wastewater treatment plants or tailings disposal system.
the physical factors of the total surroundings of human beings, including the land, water, atmosphere, climate, sound, odors, tastes, the biological factors of animals and plants and the social factors of aesthetics. In a broad sense, it shall include the total environment of human beings such as economic, social, cultural, political and historical factors.