Quiz 1: Chapter 17- Leading Teams Flashcards
For teams to be effective they need to….
Satisfy the needs of the individual members as well as the collective goal or task
Define Team
A group of two or more people with complementary skills who are committed to working together to achieve a specific objective
Define Task Complexity
The amount of info that must be processed to understand the task, the degree of uncertainty about possible outcomes, the presence of many sub-tasks that require a range of skills and knowledge, or the absence of standardized procedures to conduce the task
Define Task Interdependence
The extent to which group members need to work with and rely on each other to produce the collective work of the group
It is often easier and more effective if…
People work as a team
Define Task Objectives
They orient team members toward their goals and priorities and help them understand how their work fits in the bigger picture
Teams usually complete tasks with a long term horizon compared to
A series of shorter terms objectives to measure their progress
An Important component to selecting a team is based on
Their interpersonal skills and desire for purpose and an agenda
What is the optimal team size?
There is none. But it is generally better to have too few members than too many
Define Manager-Led Teams
Teams in which the manager acts as the team leader
Manager is responsible for monitoring and managing performance and managing performance and reporting their progress
Define Vertical Teams
Teams composed of a manager and his or her subordinates in the formal chain of command, usually in one department
Define Horizontal Teams
Teams composed of employees from about the same hierarchical level but from several different departments in the organization
Define Self-Directed Teams
Teams that determine their own objectives and the methods by which to achieve them.
-Each team member possesses authority and responsibility for the teams success
Define Collocated Teams
Teams that use a significant amount of face-face communication to make operating decisions. They operate in close proximity to one another, engage in a lot of social interactions
Define Geographically Distributed Teams
Teams that are made up of geographically or organizationally dispersed members who rely heavily on electronic tools such as e-mail, fax, voice mail, telephone and videoconferencing
Geographically Distributed Teams tend to be more….
Regarding teams, diversity often leads to..
An increase in creativity over the long term, but also struggle with group identity
The Stages of Team Development
Developed by Bruce Tuckman-
1) Forming
2) Storming
3) Norming
4) Performing
5) Adjourning
Define the Forming Stage
When team members define what task is to be done and how it will be completed
Define the Storming Stage
Occurs when team members experience conflicts about interpersonal issues and differences in perspectives
Usually involves infighting and a lack of unity between members
Define the Norming Stage
When team members uncover ways to create new standards that encourage more collaborative behavior
- Adopt new group standards
- Become open to one another’s input
Define the Performing Stage
When team members have accepted their differences and work together effectively
Define the Adjourning Stage
When the team has completed its task and is disbanded, sometimes involves sadness and self-evaluation
Define Team Norms
Guidelines that outline acceptable team member behavior and process
List the Five Different Categories of Team Norms
1) Meeting Norms
2) Working Norms
3) Communication Norms
4) Leadership Norms
5) Consideration Norms
Define Social Loafing
When team members disengage from the team process and fail to contribute to the team’s recommendations or other deliverables
List the Three Components of the Team Process
1) Purposeful and Rigorous Decision Making
2) Effective Participation and Meaningful Influence
3) Constructive Conflict
Define Purposeful and Rigorous Decision Making
Occurs when the team encourages critical thinking and debate among members
Define Effective Participation and Meaningful Influence
Requires active an thoughtful participation of all team members, avoid dominating discussion and stifling creativity
Ensures all views are heard
Define Constructive Conflict
Teams must be able to engage in conflict but end with positive results from the discussion
Define Participation
The extent to which individuals engage in the process of generating solutions and articulating their opinions and perspectives
Define Blocking Behaviors
Behaviors that inhibit the team and its members from achieving their objectives
List the Five Steps in the Decision Making Process
1) Identify and Explore Problems
2) Prioritize Evaluation Criteria
3) Generate Possible Solutions
4) Review Possible Solutions
5) Complete Task and Review Process
Team Learning
Teams who learn together are more effective,
To learn the environment must provide a safe area to offer ideas, ask questions, and discuss concerns without fear of judgement, failure, or retaliation
List the Five Strategies to Maximize Team Learning
1) Members understand the purpose of discussion
2) Focus on inquiring about member perspectives
3) Avoid using imprecise language that may cause confusion among members
4) When members become emotionally engaged raise concerns with the group without casting blames on others
5) When at an impasse, determine the source of the disagreement
List the Three Components of Team Effectiveness
1) Must produce meaningful results for the organization
2) Must satisfy team members
3) Must enhance the ability of team members to work well together in the future
Define Boundary Manager
Determines how a team will work with clients, upper management, and others who have an interest in the team’s performance. Also manages infighting and methods to produce best results
Important components of Managing Geographically Distributed Teams
- Assume nothing; spell out everything
- Communicate even more than usual
- Share background information
- Watch for conflict-and learn to manage it
- Do better next time- learn from experiences