Quiz 1 (Ch 1 and 2) Flashcards
What is the marketing concept?
A business philosphy based on consumer orientation, goal orientation, and systems orientiation
What is the key to understanding an environment?
Marketing research
What does the external marketing environment do?
Provides information for altering marketing mix and identifies new opporunities
What is marketing research defined?
The planning, collection, and analysis of data relevant to marketing decision making and communication results management
What three functional roles can marketing research be viewed as playing?
Descriptive, diagnostic, and predictive
What is the descriptive function of marketing Research?
Gathering and presenting statements of fact; what we will use most
What is the diagnostic function of marketing Research?
The explanation of data or actions
What is the predictive function of marketing Research?
How to use descriptive and diagnostic research to predict results of a planned marketing decision
What are some key characteristics of marketing research?
It is systematic, an objective of knowing the truth, and doesn’t replace managerial judgement
What have become the key competitive weapons as America emerges from the worst recession since the 1930s?
Quality and customer satisfaction
What is return on quality?
Quality delivered is at desired level of target market and the level of quality must have a positive impact on profitability
What are three keys to a proactive management and marketing strategy plan?
1) alters marketing mix to fit newly emerging patterns. 2) new opportunities. 3) develops a long-run marketing strategy
What is the different between applied and basic “pure” research?
Applied is understanding of market and solving a specific problem and basic “pure” is expanding frontier of knowledge (already known)
What are three natures of applied research?
Programmatic, selective, and evaluative
What is programmatic research?
Resarch conducted to develop marketing options (how has market changed)
What is selective research?
Research used to test decision alternatives (done when several options are available)
What is evaluative research?
Research done to assess program performance
What are some growth drivers of the internet?
rapid access, improved response time, increaes in follow up studies, creates cost cutting opportunities
What is used to confirm or disprove prior conception?
Emperical evidence (facts from observations, questionaires, experimentations
What advantages do internet surveys have?
Rapid development and real-time reporting, reduced cost, personalization, ability to contact the hard-to-reach
What is the problem definition process?
Recognize problem > find out why information is being sought > Understand decision making environment > use symptoms to clarify problems >translate problem into marketing research problem > determine if info exists already >determine if question can be answered <state objectives
What is opportunity identification?
Using marketing research to find and evaluate new opportunities and changes in external environments, marketing mix
What does a researcher need to do to determine why info is being sought?
Use decisions made with information, prioritize questions, and create sample data
What is situation analysis?
Studying the decision-making, environment within which the marketing research will take place
What are some examples of exploratory research?
pilot studies, experience surveys, secondary data, case studies, focus groups, intranet
When do you stop conductiong exploratory research?
When the researcher is convinced that they have found the major dimensions
What is the iceberg principle?
Focusing on the symptoms and not the true problem
Why do you want to determine if the info already exists?
Saves time and money and avoids the Nice-to-Know syndrome
How should one state research objectives?
As a hypothsis in terms of precise information necessary to address the problem
What is a hypothesis?
A statement about a relationship between 2 or more variables that can be tested with empirical data
What should a hypothesis contain?
Clearn implications for testing stated relationship
What sets the stage for creating the research design?
Development of the hypothesis
What is the plan to be followed to answer the research objectives or hypothesis?
Research design
What are descriptive studies conducted to answer?
Who, what, where, and how
What can shed light on associationes or relationships?
Descriptive studies
What are causal studies?
Resrach studies that examine whether the value of one variable causes or determines the value of another variable
What is the difference between a dependent and independent variable?
Dependent is to be explained or influenced by the independent and independent is controlled
What are the three criterion for a causal study?
Temporal sequence, concomitant variation, no intervening variable
What is a temporal sequence?
An appropriate causal order of events
What is a concomitant variation?
The degree to which a presumed cause and a presumed effect occur or vary together (cause: direct mail promotion. effect: coffee sales increases)
What is the marketing research process?
Choose a method of research > select sample selection >collection of data > analyze the data > writing and presentation of report > follow up
What are some methods of research?
surveys, observations, experiments
What is the purpose of analyzing the data after it has been collected?
To interpret and draw conclusions or recommendations
What is the deontology theory?
It states people should adhere to their obligations and duties to others because that is what is ethically right/correct
What is the utilitarian ethical theory?
The choice that yields the greatest benefit to the most people is the choice that is ethically correct
What does the casuist ethical theory compare?
Compares a current dilemma with examples of similar ethical dilemmas and hteir outcomes
What are some issues in data collection
Accuracy of statements, anonymity protection, respect right to refuse, parental consent?, treat w/ respect, no attempt to influence
What are some research supplier ethical issues?
Low ball pricing, underpaying field-services, selling unncessary research, violating client confidentiality, allow subjectivity into research, abuse of respondents (most common)
What are some resondents’ rights?
Right to choose, safety, be informed, privacy