Chapter3_4MARKETINGRESEARCH Flashcards
What are the 4 natures of data?
Secondary, primary, internal, external
What is the difference between internal and external data?
Internal is info origniating within the company
What are some advantages of secondary data?
Clarify problem, may provide solution, may provide primary research alternatives, may alert researcher of potential problems, may provide background info and build credibility, may provide sample frame
What are some limitations of secondary data?
Lack of availability, lack of relevance, insufficiency and timliness
What is a collection of related information developed from data within the organization?
internal database
What is the fastest growing use of internal databases?
database marketing
What does database marketing rely on?
creation of a large computerizedfile of customers’ and potention customers’ profilesand purchase patterns to create a targeted marketing mix
What is micromarketing?
Database marketing that can get a customized, individual message simultaneously via direct mail
What are 2 advantages to creating a database from a website?
customer’s link to an online store is a two-way electronic link and allows online merchant to gather info about the customer
What is a text file placed on user’s computer to identify the user when there is a return visit to web site?
What is a nerual network?
A computer program that mimics the processes of the human brain and thus is capable of learning from examples to find patterns in data
What is the use of statistical and other advanced software to discover nonobvious patterns hidden in a database
Data Mining
What are 4 potential uses of data mining in marketing?
Customer acqusition, customer retention, customer abandonment, market basket analysis
What is the use of online and offline data to understand a consumer’s habits, demographics, and social networks in order to increase the effectiveness of online advetising?
Behavioral targeting
What are 4 battles over privacy?
Privacy policies will be mandatory, clear choice to “opt in or out”, ability to collect sensitive info, penalities for noncompliance
What aret some ways ways to find secondary research on the internet?
Search engines, sites of interest to marketers, periodical newspaper and book databases, newsgorups
What are some federal laws passed to protect consumers from indentity theft?
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, HIPAA, Fair Credit Reportnig Act, Children’s Online privacy protection act
What is a company that acquires, catalogs, reformats, segments, and resells reports already published by marketing firms?
Marketing research aggregator
What are some companies that offer databases?
Claritas International, InfoUSA
What is information management?
System for capturing, processing, and storing data so it can be found and retrieved when needed for decision making
What is a Geographic information system include?
A demographic database, digitized maps, and software that enables users to add corporate data to the mix
What a system that supports the needs and styles of individual decision makers?
Decision support systems
What are 4 characteristics of a decision support system?
Interactive, flexible, easy to learn and use, and discover-oriented
What is qualitative research?
Findings not subject to quantification. To examine attitudes, feelings, and motivations
What is quantitative research?
Results subject to quantification. To find statistically significant differences
Why is qualitative research popular?
Less expensive, ability to better understanding motivations, improved efficiency, often used w/ quantitative research
What type of research is used for each: qualitative and quantitative research
Qualitative= exploratory_Quantitative=Descriptive,causal
What are some limitations of qualitative research?
Doesn’t identify small differences in marketing mix, not representing large population, small samples, inability to validate and replicate research
What is a focus group defined?
A group of 8-12 participants who are led by a moderator in an in-depth discussion on one particular topic or concept
What is the goal of focus groups?
To learn and understand what people have to say about topic of interest?
What is the most popular aspect of qualitative research?
Focus Groups
How popular are focus groups?
Marketing research firms, advertising agencies, and consumer manufacturers use them, research expenditures are focus groups, allow researchers to experience emotional framework
What are the steps in conduction a focus group?
Prepare for the group, select a moderator and create discussion guide, conduct the group, prepare focus group report
What are 3 advantages of focus groups?
interaction from respondents, offers opportunity to observe participants, quicker than other research types
What are important focus group aspects?
Setting or facility, participants, trained moderator, appropriate discussion guide, length, report
What is an advantage and disadvantage of focus groups?
Adv= get people from different geo areas_ disadv= not being in same room
What are one-on-one interviews that probe and elicit detailed answers to quesitons, often using nondirective techniques to uncover hidden motivations
Individual depth interviews
What are is an advantage and disadvantage of Depth Interviews?
Adv= spend more time with participant_ disadv= difficult to bring groups together and higher costs
What are some determinants of depth interviews?
Skills of interviewer, proper interpretation, lack of popularity of depth interviewing
What are some classic applications of depth interviews?
Communication checks, sensory evaluation, exploratory research, new product development, packaging or usage research
What is customer care research?
Depth interviewing to understand the dynamics of the purcahse process
What is hermeneutic research?
Research that focuses on interpretation through conversations
What is projective techniques defined?
To delve below surface response to obtain true feelings, meanings, and motivation
What are some types of projective tests?
Word assocation tests, sentence and story completion, photo and cartoon tests, storytelling, and third-person techniques