Quiz 1/18/24 Flashcards
what govt do we have
democratic republic
what is a democratic republic government
representative govt by the people
what economy do we have
free enterprise system(or capitalism)
what areas of the US were republicans represented from
north/far west
what areas of the US were democrats represented from
when was the gilded age
what places were considered corrupt
government and big businesses
what was the second coming of democracy
more people having a sat in govt. this pd was between 1870’s -1910’s
who started the spoils system
andrew jackson
what is the spoils system
rewarding jobs to loyal supporters, increased their control of govt
what did the spoils system lead to
what party were most presidents during this time pd
why was the voting so high for republicans
bribery; also there were AA living in the US with voting rights, they were very anti-democratic due to the fact some of their kind was slaughtered by them
what was political corruption
how presidents got so many votes
what were methods of political corruption
bribery, voter fraud, and spoils system
who was the 1st to take action against the spoils system
ruthford B hayes
what president was shot at a train station during this time pd
james garfield
who shot james garfield
charles giuteau
why did giuteau shoot garfield
he was mentally unstable and felt garfield deserved it
what is patronage
the actual giving of a job
what did the populist party want
the system of politics to change
who were political bosses
powerful polititions who demanded payoffs