More terms to know Flashcards
an organization of farmers who joined to learn about new farming techniques, to call for the regulation of railroad and grain elevator rates, and to prompt the establishment of the ICC
populist party
a political party formed in 1892 on a platform of silver coinage, government ownership of the railroads, and fighting the corrupt and unresponsive elite
william jennings bryan
the Democratic nominee for president in 1896, who supported many Populist principles including silver coinage, and who toured the country to speak directly to voters
william mckinley
the Republican candidate for president in 1896, who followed a traditional strategy of letting party workers campaign for him
movement that responded to the pressures of industrialization and urbanization by promoting reforms
lincoln steffens
–muckraking author of Shame of the Cities; exposed corruption in urban government
jacob riis
muckraking photographer and author of How The Other Half Lives; exposed the condition of the urban poor
jane addams
leader in the settlement house movement
settlement house
community center that provided services for the urban poor
social gospel
belief that following Christian principles could bring about social justice
spoils system
a system in which politicians awarded government jobs to loyal party workers with little regard for their qualifications
civil service
government departments and their nonelected employees
pendleton civil service act
law that created a civil service system for the federal government in an attempt to hire employees on a merit system rather than on a spoils system
gold standard
–using gold as the basis of the nation’s currency
direct primary
–allowed voters to select candidates rather than having them selected by party leaders