quiz 1 Flashcards
The Primary Chronicles
compiled by monks in the eleventh century, recounting that since there was no order among slavic tribes in the 800s, they invited a Varangian named Riurik and his two brothers to come rule over them
term used for swedish viking
earliest known leader of the Rus
a farming commune that usually consisted of several extended families
fighting men in Kiev, served particular princes
Vladimir the Christianizer
rules from 978-1015
means “spirit of the congregation”
a town council dominated by merchants
Boyar duma
a body of the highest-rankings nobles who in theory advised the prince
Saints Cyril and Methodius
developed a written language that was based on greek but transcribed the spoken slavic language quite well
Golden Age of Kievan Russia
a period of almost three centuries that began in 988, when the region was Christianized, and ended in 1240
Yaroslav (Iaroslav) the Wise
prince of the kiev 1019-1054
Tatars (Tartars)
an umbrella term for different Turkic ethnic groups bearing the name “Tatar” across Eastern Europe and Asia
Lord Novgorod the Great