Quiz 1 Flashcards
What is The Mass?
The most important service of the Catholic Church.
From “Ite, missa est,” Go, the congregation is dismissed.
The body of texts and rites that make up a sacred service.
The Christian service commemorates the last supper of Jesus and his disciples as found in the New Testament
the five prayers that are always present in the Mass
Five Ordinary Prayers and meaning
Kyrie - Lord
Gloria - Glory
Credo - I believe
Sanctus - Holy
Agnus Dei - The Lamb of God
Any other pieces that don’t begin with the ordinary prayers
eg: Collects, Gospel, Alleluia, etc
The music they sang.
Characteristics of a chant
- Monophonic (single line music)
- Limited melodic range
- Unmeasured rhythm
- Based on modes
- Strophic (the same music for each line of text) setting is often used.
Text Setting
Syllabic: One note per syllable
Neumatic: 2- 5 notes per syllable
Melismatic: More than 5 notes per syllable
Performance practice
The manner in which people performed aspects of the music that was not indicated on the page.
Examples of performance practice
Rhythm, tempo, dynamics, articulations, starting pitch and how many people are singing in the chant.
Name the 3 different group settings in chants
Direct performance: Singing in unison
Responsorial performance: Leader alternates with ensemble
Antiphona performancel: Alternating choirs
Solmization, what is it and who invented it?
Guido d’Arezzo invented a system used as an aid to remember the pitches in melismatic passages. (Solfege)
Isorhythm (equal rhythm)
This applied to a chant line. As the pieces grew longer, the pitches of the chant line were repeated
Repeated pitches of the chant line
Rhythmic pattern in certain medieval choral compositions
Hand gestures to show the rising and falling of pitches
A chant sang alternately by two groups.
The simultaneous performance of different versions of the same melody by different voices or instruments
Single line of music
What are the other names for Confinalis?
Reciting tone and tenor
secondary most important note. This is the note in the mode used if you were repeating many words on the same syllable
How do you find the confinalis in authentic modes?
go up five pitches (If the note is B, make it a C)
How do you find the confinalis in hypo (plagal) modes?
take the Confinalis of the Authentic mode and go down a third (If the note is B, make it a C)
Type of singing where the same note is used when repeating many words on the same syllable.
Cantus Firmus
Principal line of music.
Other names for Cantus Firmus
Chant, Vox Principalis or Plainsong
Vox Organalis
Added voice to cantus firmus (Counterpoint line)
Perfectus (Intervals)
Perfect intervals: unison, fourth, fifth and octave
Imperfectus (intervals)
Imperfect intervals (seconds, thirds, sixths…)
Range (Lowest to highest note in a chant)
The replacing of one text with a new text (Usually so it can be performed at church)
Musica Ficta
The raising and lowering of pitches by either the performer or the composer
Indicates the first pitch of the next line.
Before the vocal polyphony started, a soloist would chant a few notes of the opening of the tenor part. This provided the sound of the pitch for the day.
Medieval practice of a single melody that is shared between two (or occasionally more) voices such that alternately one voice sounds while the other rests.
Tenor: Definiton and other names
Hold or sustain.
St. Martial, Melismatic, or Organum Purum
3 types of hexachords
Hexachord beginning on:
Moving from one hexachord to another
How many melodic modes are there?
Name and number the authentic melodic modes
Dorian (1), Phrygian (3), Lydian (5) and Mixolydian (7)
Name and number the hypo (plagal) melodic modes
Hypodorian (2), Hypophrigian (4), Hypolydian (6) and Hypomixolydian (8)
How many rhythmic modes are there?