Quiz 1 Flashcards
Governance was not a word frequently heard until?
It was first used by world bank in what year and place?
1989 at Subsaharan Africa
In 1992 the world bank introduced?
Good Governance
Were seen as engine of growth?
Post- WW II States
the name given to the entity exercising that authority.
legitimate power to make decision on behalf of the organization.
ability to influence the behavior of others
the right to do so
acknowledged duty to obey rather than on any form of coercion or manipulation
three kinds of authority by weber
1.Traditional authority
2.Charismatic authority
3. Legal authority
rooted in history or tradition like monarchies
Traditional authority
stems from personality-derives from individual’s extraordinary personal
Charismatic authority
•grounded in a set of impersonal rules. •authority of a ruling government regime comes from system of bureaucracy, public choice and
Legal authority
The system by which entities are directed and controlled.
concerned with structure and processes for decision-making, accountability,
control, and behavior at the top of an entity.
defines governance as the process whereby societies or organizations make their important decisions, determine who has the voice, who is engaged in the process, and how an account is rendered.
The Institute on Governance
It assures that corruption is minimized,
the views of minorities are taken into
account, and that the voices of the most vulnerable in society are heard in
Good governance
• Participation
• Consensus orientation
• Accountability
• Transparency
• Responsiveness
• Equity and Inclusiveness
• Effectiveness and efficiency
• Rule of law
All men and women should have a voice in decision-making
Good governance mediates differing interests to reach a broad consensus
on what is in the best interests of the group
Consensus orientation
every person or group is responsible for their actions,
built on the free flow of information. Processes, institutions, and information are direct and accessible to those concerned with them,
try to serve all stakeholders within a reasonable timeframe.
opportunities to improve or maintain their well-being.
Equity and Inclusiveness
Processes and institutions produce results that meet needs while making
the best use of resources.
Effectiveness and efficiency
It demands that the people and civil society render habitual obedience to
the law.
Rule of law
due to therepeatability and consistencyof tasks performed.
Efficient Processes
this repeatability and consistently helps to quickly identify the nonconformities in processes
Visibility of Errors
when tasks are streamlined, companies can eliminate the waste from scrap, rework, and any other costly inefficiencies.
Reduced cost
regular disruptions frominconsistent processes are eliminated, as operation specifics become either ‘conform’ or ‘non-conform’.
Smoother–Running Operations
a culture that supports corporate governance allows for its product
to reach the market while meeting its intended specifications and working
Such broad participation is built on freedom of association and
speech, as well as capacities to participate constructively
Processes, institutions, and information are direct and accessible to those concerned with them, and enough information is provided to understand and monitor them.
▪ Good governance demands that preferential attention is given to the plight
of the poor, marginalized and needy.
Equity and inclusiveness
require the enhancement of quality and
standardization of public service delivery, the professionalization of the bureaucracy, focusing government efforts on vital functions, and the elimination of redundancies or overlaps in functions and operations.
Effectiveness and efficiency
For public service delivery, agencies must promptly and adequately cater to the needs of citizens, simplifying government procedures and reducing red tape, using appropriate technology when feasible, as well as
coordinating processes among various government agencies to eliminate redundant information requirements.
Effectiveness and efficiency