Quiz 1 Flashcards
is a biological change through time
What’s a fossil?
-rock evidence of past life!
Body Fossils
(skeletal parts)
-only able to come from animals,
-carbonized impressions organic compounds removed thin carbon film remains
-insect in amber
Trace fossils
something lived through the behavior of the life form
Anoxic environment
an environment where there is little to no oxygen allowing the preservation of things
A rock is a natural solid made of minerals
-An element is really just an atom!
Earth Chemistry
In the whole earth iron is overrepresented however it is created by iron silicon and oxygen
Minerals NCLIS
-Crystal shape is the actual shape of the rock
-Lattice how the elements are arranged at the atomic level
-The atomic pattern of minerals is called a crystal lattice
-minerals full of silicon and oxygen
Silicon tetrahedron
-Molecule that is made up of silicon and oxygen in the arrangement SIO4
-The one exception to this is quarts
-SIO4 is the bond
-relative dating method
GA= gigga atom (billions of years)
MA= mega atom (millions of years)
KA= Killa atom (thousands of years)
Relative data method- “law of superposition”
-also known as the layer cake rule
Law of Superposition- younger layers are on the top oldest layers are on the bottom
a layer of rock or sediment
Numerical dating methods
-Radiometric dating determines the number of years since a layer was formed
-Radiometric dating through isotope analysis of radioactive decay
- an alternative form of an element
Radioactive decay
a parent isotope into a daughter isotope at a constant rate