Quiz 1 Flashcards
Chain of causation and interventions
agent, host, environment
traditional approach to dealing with infectious diseases
intervention can happen at any step
core functions of public health
Policy Development
purposes of public health
prevent epidemics and spread of disease
protect against environmental hazards
prevent injuries
promote and encourage healthy behaviors
respond to disasters and assist communities in recovery
assure the quality and accessibility of services
health promotion
occurs when individuals are healthy to improve overall health, reduce risks, and increase resistance if exposed. Activities often target entire populations
disease prevention
activities focus on prevention of a specific disease and target populations will consist of at-risk individuals
What areas are pharmacists involved with?
health promotion and disease prevention
disease state management
Covid-19 testing
HIV Prevention: Pre exposure prophylaxis and post exposure prophylaxis
harm reduction startegies
medication safety
intimate partner violence
mandated reporting
HIV care teams
HCV competence
depression screening
public health initiatives
define health problems
identify risk factors associated with the problem
develop and test community-level interventions to control or prevent the cause of the problem
implement interventions to improve the health of the population
monitor intervention to assess their effectiveness
primary prevention
interventions aimed at a susceptible population or individuals
prevent a disease or injury from occurring
limit risk exposure/increase immunity of individuals at risk
immunizations, tobacco cessation programs, needle exchange programs
secondary prevention
early disease detection
targets people with sub clinical form of the disease (pathological changes)
PAP smear, mammogram, colonoscopy, blood pressure screening
tertiary prevention
target clinical and outcome stages of a disease
implemented in symptomatic patients and aims to reduce the severity of the disease as well as of any associated sequelae
aims to reduce effects of disease once established in the individual
rehab efforts, MTM, disease mgmt
risk factors
factors that increase the risk of a disease developing in a person or population
can be modifiable and non-modifiable
smoking, alcohol consumption, sexual practices, drug use, physical fitness and activity, weight, and dietary intake
Informed consents should be written at which grade level?
8th grade
First epidemiologist/ father of medicine
Father of epidemiology
John Snow
Framingham study- what was the therapeutic area that this study was designed to collect information
prospective cohort study of cardiovascular disease
first epidemiological study of chronic disease
high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking were primary things that drove cardiovascular disease in men
What are the 5 key determinates of health?
biology and genetics
individual behavior
social environment
physical environment
health services
How does the actual US diet generally differs from recommendations?
Excess sodium and saturated fats
too many refined grains
too many solid fats and added sugars
not enough fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy and oils
What were the aims of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010
limit milk to nonfat flavored 1% white milk
reduced portion sizes in meals
minimum on fruit, vegetables, whole grains
maximum on sodium, sugar, fat content
Socioeconomic status
level of income
education attainment
occupational status
Recommendations for excercise for adults
150 mins weekly of moderate activity
OR 75 min weekly vigorous activity
Recommendations for exercise for children
60 mins of activity each day
Public health disciplines
biomedical sciences
environmental health science
social and behavioral sciences
health policy and management